I must Create a System
or be enslaved by another Man’s
I will not Reason and Compare
My business is to Create!
William Blake
Saturn, whom Greeks know as Chronos or Time, is the farthest planet from the sun easily visible by a naked eye.
The planet Saturn is bounded by unique rings that have been a source of wonder for its symmetric beauty.
Saturn is a part of us who is the casting director who inherits the script from the family, friends, and cultures and tells us how things are, how the world works, and what we expect.
At first, Saturn makes us believe that we are special and unique, then we no longer blindly follow community. We feel we know how the universe works. Then things do not work our way for whatever reason; we get upset to the point of a depression or even suicidal panic and remorse – this is weak Saturn influence.
Saturn gets us close to break through. Hello, clarity.
We can be happy or unhappy after spending time with certain people. We sentence ourselves to voluntary prison when “spending” time feels like “serving time”. This means Saturn works against us.
Saturn success in all aspects of life is accepting self-responsibility for our actions.
Saturn makes a complete orbit every 29 years, changing signs every tow and a half years. So we need to reassess our commitments every two and a half years in a minor way, and every seven years in a big way.
Saturn helps to clarify intentions and then creates a course of action. Saturn says to concentrate on what, not on how. Clarify and focus.
The only way the Lord knows you are asking for help is a ritual.
Our brain sells fire not upon action, but immediately when we form the intention.
Saturn gives us the power to focus: set our boundaries, our terms, our purpose.
All our challenges are not obstacles, — our problems teach us to catalyze our talents until we complete the task.
Saturn teaches us art of magic. If you feel constrained, tie yourself up – and escape. If you are feeling weighted down, lift weights. You follow, and you realize how mighty you are.
Regardless what we say, — the truth is what is important to us, is what we spend our time on.
Saturn wants becoming authoritarian. Insecurity creates tyranny, and it may indicate a shadow of Saturn has eaten us.
When we are out of touch with our inner self, we lose a sense of confidence, flexibility, and humor. So we need to work on concentration, praying and meditation.
In a Domain of Saturn, whenever we need to be healed from a lack of balance, we need to drum, dance, lift weights, train, and breathe – slowly, deeply, rhythmically.
To awaken positive qualities of Saturn we need to concentrate on breathing.
Easer breathing and concentration and meditation is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious. We breathe without thinking, and we can focus on it.
Take a breath. Inhale your authority. Exhale and feel calm.
Saturn is like a golden curved knife. When you feel that people are leaning too heavily on you, Saturn helps you cut the cords of dependency. Saturn regulates a distance between you and others.
Saturn is linked with the deep blue-violet color. When doing yoga, you can imagine you inhale the blue-violet color to strengthen your relaxation and energies you with Saturn energy.