Born June 18 – Queen of Clubs – a card of perfect intuition

Your planetary rule card is 10♠.

The Ten of Spades makes you go to extremes at times. You tends to get hung up on things that you like, as a result, turning into a true workaholic and spending all your time on work. Your Planetary Ruling Card strives you for a happy quiet life, but the desire comes into conflict with your ambitious plans for a career.

You wants to become famous and work hard and thanks to the fruits of your own labor succeed. Beware to take rest and don’t go over exhausting yourself. Some people because of stress create bad habits to keep concentration, but it causes a collapse at the end.

And in the field of personal relationships, you are hindered by some indecision, deepening the internal conflict between love and work.

You excel in theater or painting, but are mental pursuits more suitable for you.

Good for law, politics, accounting, literature. You love to travel; you want everything to happen quickly. Strive for success, not money.

In your personal lives, you seem to be unable to come to terms with a split between heart and mind.

In a search for knowledge you are insatiable; and you are impatient and intolerant of other people’s ignorance or mental laziness. You need complete freedom and will not tolerate interference from other people.

As a Queen, you are aware of your place in the royal court.

The Three of Hearts is your Karmic Card, as well as the Five of Clubs as your Venus card, indicate that the indecision and uncertainty in your personal life does not give you the opportunity to find stability in relationships. You have brilliant mental abilities and always receive very unusual knowledge due to your natural psychic gift.

The Ace of Spades as a card of Jupiter portends many blessings in your life, you have to follow spiritual path. From past incarnations, you inherited deep knowledge and intuition.

Of particular note is the implementation of scientific projects, where you use their mental abilities, as well as literary activity with the use of creativity, in the development of social activities and communication. If you do it in a spirit of service, you can be recognized for it.

The desire to find a job or explore new areas of application of forces may lead you to the need to leave the country. While this may mean additional responsibility, such changes will benefit your emotional state, as well as bring numerous financial benefits.

You need to retire periodically to think about important things and analyze your actions. Meditation is great for helping you deal with stress.

5 spades in Neptune gives you restlessness leads you to nervous breakdown. You need to rest a lot.

Your Life Challenge Card… Jack of Hearts Make the most of your natural creativity and fun nature. Tame your quick-temperament, do not be carried away by self-pity and do not build a martyr out of yourself. Communicating with people, show naturalness and goodwill.

The result of the Life Task Card… Nine of Clubs Learn to work well in a team and share your knowledge with an objective and comprehensive approach. Be generous to people, make their life better. Feeling frustrated and dissatisfied, re-evaluate your life tasks and think positive to use shortcomings to your adventure

Always think positive like your symbol clover.

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