Clover Prosperity Bath During waxing Moon in a Sign of Mercury

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense ) Also Known As:  Trefoil, Cleaver Grass, Marl Grass, Cowgrass, Three Leaved Grass, Cow Clover Honeystalks, Shamrock, Trifoil The red clover herb is a perennial plant that is native to central Asia, Africa and most of Europe. 

Gender: Masculine 

Elemental Association: Air

Planetary Association: Mercury 

Deity Association:  Artemis & Rowan. 

The Celts considered it a sacred symbol of the Sun. It is the national flower of Ireland.

Four-leaf clovers  famous good luck charm believed to protect from evil spirits, witches, disease, and the evil eye. traditionally used to see fairies and other spirits, to heal illnesses, One leaf for fame, one leaf for wealth, One for a faithful lover, And one leaf to bring glorious health, Are all in a four-leaf clover.

Three leaved-clovers are worn as a protective talisman 

Two-leaved clovers are used by young women to get a glimpse of a future lover.

With its three leaves, Clover is a very shamanic plant allowing one to see into and interact with the Otherworld. It is a good talisman of protection and power for traveling out of body and walking between worlds. Never underestimate the magical power of this simple and common weed.

All parts of the plant are edible leaves and flowers can be added to salads or used as garnish. Use the new green leaves when eating them raw, but you can also sautéed or steam them like spinach and kale. You can batter and fry Clover flowers just like Elder flowers. The flowers of both types of clover can be used to make homemade wines.

Red Clover flowers are steeped to make a popular tea which, although drunk for pleasure, can be used to treat liver and gallbladder issues, stomach and digestive issues, as well as for women’s menstrual and fertility issues.

Magical Use of Clover

Put Red Clover in baths to aid in financial arrangements. Also used in potions for lust, or in love spells. Used in sachets or incense for money, love, fidelity, success and luck. Protects and blesses domestic animals. Used in consecration of ritual tools made of copper, Sprinkle around the home to remove negative spirits.

In folk magic Red Clover is used in a ritual bath to attract money and prosperity to the bather and is also used as a floorwash to chase out evil and unwanted ghosts.


You can tap Clover’s energy by using clover in a prosperity wash or bath during a waxing Moon in the sign of Mercury. Gather a cop of clover in bloom. Prepare a  bath and add a clover to a bath water. Light up green candles. 

As you relax in the bath, focus on your financial goals. Visualize the way you make money and you can see the high balance in your bank account. Imagine yourself swimming in money. Feel satisfaction and happiness seeing your bills are paid plus little left for things you want in your life. 

When you dream all you want, get out of the tub. 

See your money problems go away as the tub drains. 

Collect the clover leaves and bury it in the ground or ley it go with the ocean waves.

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