Discover the secrets of a person’s character through his or her favorite food

Taste tastes speak about the character of a person. Not only that – but the taste is able to control our behavior. Alice from the famous book of Carroll was one of the first people to guess about this, stating that “People are crammed with vinegar, and others are upset with mustard” Favorite food will tell you a lot of interesting stories about the human nature. For example, romantics love seafood, and cheese lovers – the most loyal and reliable friends and lovers.

Basic information about the food we get is not from the organ of taste. The tongue is able to define only four main shades of a taste: salty, sour, bitter and sweet. But thanks to all the other senses, we can perceive food much tastier: we feel the food and learn about the food. Try falling in love of when your mood is unexpectedly perfect, the same food taste differently with all its flavors.

Professor A. Makarov believes that taste is capable of more. From beet and milk, the mood improves, from cabbage and cabbage is added determination, apricot invigorates, peach relieves irritability. And just the opposite, tasty and healthy food sets us up to study, work and good mood. – But pink jam, artichokes, celery root, and chocolate, encourage love exploits. It is not so difficult to find perfection, and the right tasty food can be another source of wisdom, harmony, and happiness.

I met people with a loss of taste, sometimes accompanied by a loss of sensation in the body. One of the reasons for the loss of taste is the lack of zinc in the body since this mineral affects the functioning of the senses. Zinc deficiency causes severe fatigue, decreased immunity leading to frequent colds, worsening of attention and decreased sexual desires. You can compensate for the lack of zinc by limiting alcohol and eating more red meat. Liver, cheese, shrimps, legumes, nuts, pumpkin seeds, bananas, grapes, oranges, pears, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms are other great sources of Zink. The absolute champion in this beneficial trace element is oysters. It is very important to have a good appetite and enjoy eating. You must feel satisfied. The lack of taste is a signal that a person needs to seriously worry about his health and character, it is difficult for a person to keep attention and remain alert in business or at work. A person who is not focused enough on himself and his needs is eventually a big trouble.

Most of the famous gourmets, whom I know personally and I belong to gourmets too, are usually one of the most interesting and smartest people and, of course, they are excellent cooks. You can take examples from history, Rossini personally cooked his guests pasta and salad with truffles, and Dumas father cooked lamb cutlets. By the way, the culinary theme inspired the famous novelist Duhm to create a cookbook.

In my opinion, gastronomic art is akin to a subtle literary taste. Cooking and writing poetry is my greatest virtues. Pushkin, the famous Russian poet wrote delicious lines about “live Limburgian cheese and pineapple gold,” not to mention the detailed and naturalistic descriptions of hearty meals at Gogol, from which I take cooking recipes with pleasure and his recipes are even more original than from dozens of cookbooks. A Russian famous fabulist Krylov suffered gluttony, nothing to do with true gourmet probably because he did not have a French upbringing. Contemporaries noted his constant concern, how to fill his stomach. But how wonderful he was writing fables translating the ideas of Lafanthen – but everything is good in moderation.

Taste is amenable to development no worse than, say, development of music talents, especially if you have been engaged in learning the taste since early childhood. The French, world legislators of high gastronomic fashion, regularly hold a Week of Taste in their country. These days, 550 restaurants offer menus at low prices, especially for students and schoolchildren. In France, a variety of gastronomic events take place: in the last week of October, people are having fun at the festival of spices. On the third Saturday of the month, the French eat chestnuts and mushrooms. There are also days of cider, a fish party or a day of jam. So everyone can immediately become slim, beautiful, noble and creative.

At 80% of the perception of food depends on the smell. Vision also plays a significant role – “to devour eyes” food is good and natural. Therefore, it is important to arrange food beautifully on a plate and set the table accordingly. Hearing also affects the taste sensations: a carrot tastes crunchy, juicy celery stalks and chips crackle deliciously on the teeth, it is a pleasure. With the help of touch, we not only determine the sharpness and consistency of food, deciding whether it is liquid, solid, adhesive or astringent but also gives us the sensual pleasure of food. What a pleasure to feel in the mouth an elastic, smooth body of squids, immerse your tongue in the exhilarating pulp of persimmon, stick your teeth into a juicy kebab, firmly clasp the tender banana flesh with your lips!

It turns out that five senses are working on the perception of the taste of one dish, or even all six. Whatever one may say, the high cost of the product also gives it an additional, “expensive” taste. In addition, each of us can agree that even ordinary scrambled eggs, cooked with love by a loved one, taste much more delicious.

And now let’s move on to defining the character of a person according to his or her taste.

  •  The most reliable and loyal people are cheese lovers. They are soft, compliant and altruistic.
  • Romantics love seafood.
  • The love of tomatoes is a sign of spiritual breadth and generosity.
  • Strong, healthy and active (somewhat aggressive) people like pizza. Nature is absurd and independent, as well as bohemian, that is, not tolerant of tediousness and order. You should not “cut” and generally cannot be forced to anything. The “second half” of such a person needs to read books more often, learn English and other languages, and be a socially active person.
  • Sushi is issued by a concentrated orderly. People who love any exotic or exquisite food are very fond of order, and therefore often make a good career. Love for the sea also speaks of reverie.
  • Meat stews to other products are preferred by assiduous, diligent and obligatory people. Fatty foods and meats attract jealous nature. Passion for kebabs and smoked sausage speaks of romance, wild imagination, and thirst for travel.
  • Love for dairy products gives the need for care: “After all, this food is associated with mother’s milk, and hence with the period of life when we were protected and surrounded by love.”
  • Ice cream lover – a great altruist, as well as a lover of creams, milkshakes, whipped cream, sour cream and yogurt.
  • The love for creamy desserts gives an impressionable person with a sophisticated character. If you appeal to his kind heart, he will melt right away and give the last shirt.
  • Excess in Sweets: indicates a lack of parental love in childhood. Hence, the desire to please everyone, to fulfill the illusion that everyone loves you.
  • Chocolate lovers have a severe lack of love. Deep down they think. that they lack sympathy and attention. Take care, it never hurts.
  • Fruits and vegetables. People who prefer fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character. Tomatoes in any form preferred by generous and democratic people with a broad mind. Sensitive natures choose cucumbers, and carrot and apple lovers are considered the most healthy and mentally balanced.
  • Spicy food is for passionate people, and tyrants of all times love sour food: Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Stalin.

All food is delicious if it is balanced, fresh, cooked with love, natural and healthy. It is nice to stay in the middle and enjoy all different taste and be flexible to try new recipes, just like I do all the time. It will develop all six sences to the perfection.

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