Friday is the day of Venus. What foods increase the influence of Venus?

Eat on Friday the best sweet dishes, fruits, fruit juices, berries, honey, nuts, spicy vegetables, any cereals and flour products. 

* Sweet and sour fruits and berries: pomegranate, gooseberry, grapes.

* Sweet and sour fruit juices.

* Sweet refined substances: refined sugar, candy, caramel, cereal, nuts.

* Bread and other flour products (best between 11:00 and 14:00).

* Oriental spices with a mild flavor (not spicy or bitter).

Vegetarian day – do not eat meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms and too spicy dishes

If you spent a daily fast on Thursday, then leaving it (at lunch or dinner, depending on when you started) is recommended start Friday with potato broth or potato soup. Its recipe is very simple: water, potatoes, onions, you can have a little salt, vegetable oil and lemon juice. This soup is one of the best means of cleansing the intestines.


You can eat sweets in any quantity and not get better, but rather become more attractive and cheerful if you do it at the right time of day. Namely: until 11:00.

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