Jupiter harmonization – Every Thursday

Jupiter is the most kind and auspicious planet in the horoscope. Important areas of life depend on Jupiter’s strength: children, money, understanding of higher truths, respect and status.

In Sanskrit, Jupiter is called Guru or Brihaspati. Jupiter is the spiritual teacher and mentor of the devas, the lord of higher knowledge. Guru is a pure personification of love and wisdom, fidelity to the highest law and truth. Jupiter is the most generous and magnanimous mentor, to whom people and gods listen.

In the myths and legends of India, the name of the mentor of the devas is mentioned quite often. Jupiter is always in the service of truth and dharma.

The lessons that Brihaspati sends are not as severe as the lessons of the lord of karma, Saturn. The Guru gently and patiently instructs his disciples.

A disharmonious manifestation of the energy of Jupiter gives irresponsibility and deceit, stinginess, greed, problems with morality and children, spiritual fanaticism and dogmatism.

The Guru leads us along the path of realizing the highest truth; frees us from the illusion and lies of the material world and leads us to understand our true nature and spiritual liberation.

All upayas for this planet are auspicious to begin on Thursday.

Recommendations for working out Jupiter:

* Sing or recite the Jupiter mantra OM GURAVE NAMAHA 108 times.

* It is favorable to study the sacred scriptures and prayers.

* Respectful and proper speech raises the energies of Jupiter.

* It is worth honoring your teachers and taking care of children.

* Donate sacred books.

* Thursday is the day of Jupiter. It is recommended to wear yellow and orange clothes on this day.

* Eat chickpeas, yellow peas, ghee, olive and sesame oils, cream, and naturally sweet foods (dates, mangoes).

* Be truthful with yourself and others.

* Feed the elephants and worship Ganesha.

* Wear yellow sapphire, topaz in gold or platinum.

* Strive to know the highest truth, do not become attached to material wealth. To be philosophical about everything that happens in fate, to take lessons humbly and with an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.

A harmonious Jupiter gives optimism and joy, the desire to know oneself and the highest truth. Such a person does not violate moral norms, follows his principles and is always open to new knowledge. He respects the philosophy and opinion of other people, is hospitable and peaceful.

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