Kn ♣️ The Knight – Lord of the Flame – A Seeker of Adventures – Discoverer – Carefree Spirit – Fire Palace – Everything And AT Once

In the modern interpretation of the Tarot, it is customary to consider the Figured Arcana as sides of the character of the questioner or those around him, but the traditional meaning of the Knight of Wands does not apply to individuals at all.

Knight of Wands means separation, departure, flight, “someone is on the run”, relocation, emigration, change of address.

Knight of Wands portends a trip, a journey or an adventure. It can be just an adventure for the purpose of having fun. The Knight of Wands disrupts the routine with his activity, and gives people who sit too long an excellent opportunity to shake off the dust. The appearance of the Knight of Wands foreshadows “troubles” that are something out of the ordinary.

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands brings a lot of activity, stress, haste, fuss, an exciting stream of events, when time just comes on its heels and you have to do everything at once, because this very “all at once” is suddenly required of us. A hot, hectic time, a period of turmoil and tension, but you won’t be bored.

There is a flash of enthusiasm in the Knight of Wands, an infusion of fresh energy, initiative, willingness to act, and the spirit of a pioneer. His element is storm, impulsiveness and spontaneity. The main strength of the Knight of Wands is the desire to move forward. How this will manifest and with what result – other cards will tell.

Knight of Wands

It can be a significator of a person who makes changes in our lives, and very quickly. There is great inspiration, ardor, enthusiasm, easiness and readiness to move mountains, but … The Knight of Wands is a sprinter, he is not enough for a long time (unlike the Knight of Pentacles who is a marathon runner).

The Knight of Wands brings a fresh air to the dead-end and musty affairs. He carries the message of a change in the current situation.

The Knight of Wands never takes into account the time factor. Firstly, everything happens very quickly. And secondly, that everything happens much more slowly than it seems in the fever of the Knight of Wands. It seems there is work for five minutes. In real life, everything takes two days. Knight of Wands pushes the time yet does not keep up with it.

Personal Mood

Adventurous! Again the shabby saddle creaks and the wind of wandering blows into the ears. The Knight of Wands bestows courage, an optimistic approach to life and self-confidence. In this sense, knight of Wands has a strong will – he knows how to encourage (but not hold back). He is confident in himself and knows what he wants – “all at once!”.

The Knight of Wands is a very independent, charismatic and creative comrade, changeable and impulsive nature. Daredevil, adventurer, troublemaker, “crazy but nice young man.”

Obligations and restrictions disgust him no less than the Fool. Knight of Wands is in search of new experiences, is possessed by a thirst for new experience and has a huge craving to try his hand. His classic image is a daredevil, (it is possible that knight of wands represents a female), attractive and addicted.

Knight of Wands makes a great impression, ignites and inspires, but again, we must remember that he is a sprinter. His brilliance will not last long. More than anything, the Knight of Wands loves excitement, a surge of adrenaline. Free fall, extreme surfing, racing cars, wild sex, motorcycle jumps from roof to roof…

On a Deeper Level

Alchemically, the Knight of Wands personifies fire that is literally choking with oxygen. This is the airy aspect of fire, the path from darkness to light. This is a feverish state of mind that in search of new experiences. In this state, it is literally impossible to sit still.

The fiery coloring of the Knight of Wands, the scarlet plume associated with the image of a burning torch, pyramidal hills, salamanders on a sunny yellow cloak – all this is a clear indication of the element of fire.

Yellow is the color of the sun and is related to the energy needed for activities in the material world. This color is associated with the third chakra, which is the center of the will. Desire and will are presented here in an exceptionally intense form, they require the utmost freedom in any sphere, when annoying obstacles arise, intolerance and recklessness follow.

The conscious mind must realize the creative self and recognize human limitations – this is the highest task of the Arcanum. As he walks his own path, he gradually gains the determination in achieving his goals and leading people, awakening in them not only admiration, but also a sense of belonging.

The Knight of Wands is a reckless and ebullient opponent of everything outdated and boring. He seeks every opportunity to correct what is wrong in this world, or simply display courage and fortitude. He aspires, in general, to the same thing as the King of Wands, but he lacks the stability of the motive (if the King is a “fire of fire”, then unstable, changeable, “windy” air interferes with the structure of the Knight), in addition, he plays to the audience to a much greater extent.

The fire of the King is able to lift a rocket into space, the fire of the Knight is able to burn down half the city during the New Year’s fireworks. The ardent Knight of Wands carries honor, valor, nobility and glory. But don’t expect him to have logic (Swords), practical considerations (Pentacles), or emotions (Cups), because he follows his supreme duty. Swords do not understand reckless campaigns in a frontal attack – it is the Wands (the Luciferic rebellion) that move into it. If they consider it a matter of honor, it is impossible to persuade them to save themselves. They diligently keep their honor intact.

Astrologically, the Knight of Wands represents the characteristics of the fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Astrological Correspondence: Mars in Aries, Sagittarius


The Knight of Wands can signal a change in position and even a field of study, career or activity.

Brilliant self-affirmation. Frantic activity – the earth is on fire. If there are other Wands surround the Knight of Wands, it corresponds to the number of different deadlines that came up at the same time (Ten of Wands means all ten). Excessive motivation, “burning at work”, which is clearly fraught with burnout.

Infusion of “fresh blood” into the organization, hiring new brisk employees.

A warm atmosphere that shows cheerfulness, optimism and enthusiasm (but also impatience and a tendency to exaggerate).

These are spontaneous negotiations, rosy discussions of excellent prospects, a situation in which everyone shines. In the situation of the Knight of Wands, no one really wants to think about it if the plans are realistic.

The Knight of Wands answers the question “how?” rather than “what?”. With the knight of Wands, it is easy to convince the whole world of your brilliant abilities (during an interview),

The Knight of Wands can to look like a successful person, inspiring great hopes, but in fact could turn out to be a juggler or a drama queen.

Sputtering activity, conflicting tasks. Impulsivity, recklessness, lack of patience – hence it creates the turmoil, stress, the desire to do everything at once (as a result, there is a risk of never doing anything).

The Knight of Wands presents any exciting and “high-voltage” activities, where activity, speed, quick reaction and high motivation play a key role. There is only one difficult task is to obey the routine, follow the rules and comply with petty formalities.

The zeal and the fountain of unique ideas are completely “broken” by the need to work systematically and hard every day.

Rebellion, revolution, experiments – that’s all what represents the Knight of Wands.

The Knight of Wands is to represent the interests of the company outside its walls, where each new client will be considered a challenge. At worst, the Knight of Wands is responsible for organizational changes or crisis management. He is also a master of clowning around, amusing and entertaining, and therefore is the best at organizing and performing at corporate events.

Theatre, competitive sports, traveling activities, travel and entertainment arrangements. Entrepreneurs, traveling salesmen, entertainers, DJs, athletes, PR people, advertising specialists, sensational paparazzi.

Tip: Show courage, do not be afraid of change. It is time to take risks and challenge yourself, play with fire, give yourself the freedom to act on impulse, without thinking or waiting.

Warning: festina lente – hurry up slowly.


Change. Perhaps the emergence of new alluring options (compared to the current situation).

Personal Relationships

Knight of Wands brings adventure and enterprise in love. Like a match, Knight of Wands is instantly igniting and just as quickly burning out. He has such a fiery passion.

He wants to conquer you with impromptu? Knight of Wands is like a child who needs a new toy. He loves passionately, then leaves silently.” Striving for new acquaintances, Knight of Wands is much more attached to freedom than to his affairs.

Knight of Wands

Constancy and responsibility are not about him, although the romance can be exciting and unpredictable. The Knight of Wands takes the initiative, flirts easily. He is a conqueror who is going to storm the fortress without much thought. His frankness, exactingness and pressure can dumbfound a partner to the point of speechlessness (and silence will be interpreted as a sign of consent). He needs “everything at once” in love just like in everything else. The Knight of Wands is quite honest and noble, but it is difficult to restrain himself, and delicacy and patience cost him dearly.

Strong instincts, bright sexual temperament, sparks are pouring. Excitability and impatience, a person flares up like dry brushwood. The Knight of Wands is fickle and careless, and secondly, he personifies situations in which no one thinks about the consequences .

In intimate relationships, the Knight of Wands is as energetic as in everything else, and before kissing him, take a breath. Sex as an adventure and childishly urgent satisfaction of desires. He can be cooling the next morning after a stormy night.

The Knight of Wands loves to brag and show off. He is self-confident. At the same time, there is so much life, recklessness and charm in him, so people love him. It is difficult to imagine a more irresistible and “inappropriate” partner, but the Knight of Wands brings an enchanting liberation from the routine.

The Knight of Wands is like an actor in an action movie – he is secondary to the fast-paced action on the screen. He makes you forget about problems, everyday life and anxieties.

The paradox is that he might not be very memorable, but the time spent with him will be unforgettable.

The evolutionary task of the Knight of Wands himself is to move to the next level of development, submitting to love (the Queen of Wands as the water aspect of fire) and rising above himself.


In general, Knight of Wands is a card of good health, able to withstand great loads and trials.

The Knight of Wands can bring fevers, rashes, burns, sports injuries, unbalanced sexual energy, high blood pressure, tachycardia.

Reversed Knight of Wands

The reversed Knight of Wands is considered to indicate non-payment of loans, outstanding loans, money borrowed and a debtor on the run.

The Reversed Knight of Wands describes a state of confusion, in which desires boil inside, having no outlet of application. Modern tarology adds to this professional failure and problems at work.

A storm in a teacup, difficulties in realizing events, stopping at full gallop.

Arguments, discussions, debates, protests, altercations, rejections and refusals, broken deals and negotiations.

Intra-team rivalry, envy, temper, tense atmosphere.

Disagreements, breaking friendship. Separation, flight.

Traditionally considered an indicator of a failed marriage, suitors on the run, leaving husbands. It is also a card of jealousy and sexual mischief, such as seduction for a bet.

The Reversed Knight of Wands represents a person who brings a lot of troubles, a promiscuous dilettante, a violent bully, or a desperate swindler. Perhaps he feels bypassed, dissatisfied, he simply has nowhere to go.

One of the traditional meanings of the Reversed Knight of Wands: parties, factions, groups (including criminal). It carries the spirit of fundamental immorality (the main principle: not to have principles).

Reversed Knight of Wands indicates burnout and stagnation. The passionate, daring, reckless, adventurous and intriguing Knight of Wanda loses all his confidence and begins to realize mistakes, not knowing how to fix them. Like the ashes left after a fire, he feels “swept away by the winds of fate”, feeling helpless.

Combination with Other Cards

With Fool – Journey

Reversed next the significator of the questioner – bankruptcy

With the Wheel of Fortune – ruin (from an old interpreter)

With the Six of Pentacles or the Nine of Pentacles – an early departure.

Knight of Wands

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