March 1st 🥇- the Day of Marena. The last holiday of the evil Navi Gods before the arrival of Spring.

Mara (Marena) is a powerful and formidable Deity, the wife of Koshchei, the sister of Zhiva and Lelya. Therefore, Mara can send Pestilence – death or Morokov – dark, confusing, fainting entities.

Mara herself is a witch goddess.
Her name stands for “Ma-Ar Ra”:
“Ma”, that is, mother, woman;
“Ar” is caring, fertile;
“Ra” – that is, the one who sees the essence of things and has a soul.
Mara goddess Veda.
Marena is the Patroness of the Hall of the Fox in the Svarog Circle.

Sacred trees – Hornbeam, Currant.

She really doesn’t like the stench of the soul, and when a person begins to cheat, she tries in every possible way to separate him from the pure space of life. It is to such a person that she sends her entire pack of vices and a flock of troubles, that is, a flock of the same people.

Mara (or Morena, Madder) in the Slavic tradition is the Goddess of night, winter and death. However, she is not feared, but is revered and praised, like other Gods.
After all, Mara is doing her great, important work – cleansing the Earth of excess, unnecessary, waste, which has refused to evolve. After all, it is she who clears the place and prepares the way for Zhiva – the eternally young Goddess of Life, Spring and Fertility.
“Free your head from thoughts about illness, afflictions, death. Learn from death – to LIVE. Morena’s gift is purification and renewal, not destruction. When the sickle of Morena cuts the thread of your life, accept its gift as the path to Renewal and Revival.”

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