Queen of Clubs – Perfect Gift of Intuition – Born on June 18

Born on the eighteenth of June, you are Q♣ and your planetary rule card is 10♠.

Life and Work Balance

The Ten of Spades makes you go extremes at times. You tend to get hung up on things that you like, lose concentration, and as a result, turn into a true workaholic and spending all your time working.

You can perfectly cope with a weighty amount of work that another person would never have mastered.

Your desire for a happy quiet life often comes into conflict with your ambitious plans for a career. It is hard for you to find balance.

Your Knowledge and the Applications

In applying your knowledge, you are practical and determined. Your intuition never fails you.

Your true place is exactly at the center of the divine plan, and from that point everything that concerns your mission comes.

In your search for knowledge, you are unstoppable, so you are attracted to the wise, the honest. Be careful not to be overly impatient with those who are not as smart as you because this makes you irritable and stubborn. However, you are usually kind and generous people who fight bravely for your ideals.

Intuitively, you are ahead of your time and people cannot always understand you. You are always in direct communication with the higher powers of the mind. You seek your knowledge from the source. When formulating your judgments, you use your intuition.
You are resourceful, creative and enthusiastic. You are a man of scientific progress and can see the truth that lies beyond the mind..

Thanks to your quick wit and quick reactions, you know a lot and actively increase your intellectual baggage. It is better for you to take the position of a leader, since you will not follow the advice of your boss if you are stupid.

If you have your own business, then you prefer women as a partner.

Power of Persuasion and Ability to Make Fast Sound Decisions

The influence of Mercury and Mars in the Earth Spread indicates your inherent power of persuasion and the ability to make quick decisions.

Love of Action and Adventure

The dual influence of Jupiter in the Spiritual Spread indicates enthusiasm and a spirit of adventure.

The desire for honesty makes you open, and the intellectual susceptibility gives rise to a thirst for friendly rivalry. The combination of high ambition and will speaks of productivity and a love of action.

Your Karma Cards: Three of Hearts and Ten of Diamonds

As Queen of Clubs, you share the same planetary position as the Three of Hearts in the Spiritual Spread. This means that under your confidence lies a sensitive and subtle nature.

Sometimes such a contradiction can cast doubts in you, when it comes to the emotional sphere.

You have to strive for self-realization, and this helps you to get rid of anxiety. Bring on a spiritual path, will make you feel free and inspired. When you are happy, your creative energy finds an outlet in work, leisure, business ideas or a vibrant social life.

In the Earth Spread, you share the same planetary position as the Ten of Diamonds. By being entrepreneurial and striving for success, you can achieve outstanding results. Remember that money or high status alone will not bring you satisfaction. Your happiness and satisfaction comes from spiritual growth where you can see that your ideas and efforts bring happiness to other people.

5 of Clubs in Venus – your love life and artistic talents

Since you are constantly looking for variety and new experiences, you need a partner with the same quick mind and restless spirit, or you will get bored and move on.

You like to communicate with those who have good brains and a sharp mind.

You can be a great fashion designers. You can fix things, decorate, paint. Pretty much anything you learn to do, soon you can become a professional.

You learn a skill and you can change your mind and go to next career. It seems like you want one thing, you work hard and get it. And then you start thinking that it’s not what you really want.

You change your mind often about what you really want. You have a predisposition for travel and relocation.

3 of Diamonds in Mars – you love experimenting

You tend to do two or more things at the same time. You love to experiment a lot before making a final decision.

Ace of Spades in Jupiter – your good luck and mystic talents

You use your powers selflessly, helping people with your foresight and breadth of views.

You often seek luck in other countries if you want to explore a new job or career. You never afraid to hake a risk of you see that if benefits your soul. You are a risk taker even your risk always is calculated. While this may mean additional responsibility, such changes will benefit your emotional state, as well as bring numerous financial benefits.

The Pursuit of Wisdom

The pursuit of wisdom, interest in meditation, metaphysics, spiritual disciplines, as well as the development of your own philosophy will bring you great benefits.

Many become excellent doctors.

7 of Hearts in Saturn

To cope with your emotions, you need to find time to be alone. Alone you can think about important things and analyze your actions. Meditation is great for helping you deal with stress.

A cups card in Saturn shows that you need to share your pure emotional state. You need to be happy and have a peace within you. You need to understand that your pure energy helps people. When you stressed, it does not let energy of love to flow.

You because of injustice or deceit by other people. But it’s your perception. You are given these emotional challenges so you learn to be like a priest and forgive weak. If you master your emotions, Saturn gives you a precious gift of wisdom.

Your main life difficulties and trials come from suppressed emotions.

7 of Diamonds in Uranus – flashes of intuitive insights

You are characterized by flashes of intuitive insights.

You are lively interested in metaphysics. You always eager to learn and go to training courses, – you are open to study anything that is of value to your business and your hobbies.

Interest in people can make you generous and understanding. You willingly help friends and give good advice, but be careful that people do not take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes.

5 of Spades in Neptune – Inventive Mind

You are an inventive person with a vivid imagination. When you clearly understand what you want, you can achieve what you want faster.

Thanks to subtle susceptibility and ingenuity, your first impression is usually correct.

You need rest, meditation and peace because your workaholic nature kills your body and mind.

Pluto – Your Life Lesson is be an Unconditional Love not a Martyr

Your life lesson is to learn to love people and don’t spoil them with excessive care.

You have the Jack of Hearts card in Pluto, and this makes you a martyr. If you do not mediate and follow your emotions, you can be used. You need to remember that a road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your dedication can kill you. While you save other people and their souls, you simply forget about saving your soul.

This is how the Jack of Hearts works in Pluto:

You are often asked to give up your personal interests, and spend time helping others, please do not! Don’t expect your sacrifice be appreciated. Learn to say no, if your intuition tells you. Do not time spent on people who may not be worth it …

Think about yourself. After all, we take responsibility for ourselves and achieving our goals, but not how well we solve other people problems.

Challenge for D♣ is a SACRIFICE FOR HUMANITY.

9 of Clubs – Pluto Result – Reevaluate Your Life and Your Deeds and Have Courage to Complete Your Important Projects

Tame your quick-tempered temperament, do not be carried away by self-pity and do not build a martyr out of yourself.

Feeling disappointed and dissatisfied, re-evaluate your life tasks and see if you have the courage to solve them.

Try to make the most of your natural creativity and fun nature.

Share your knowledge with an objective and comprehensive approach.

Be generous to people, make their life better.

I believe 9 of Clubs has a magic power to make other people’s dreams have come true. 9 of Clubs shortcoming is to never let go of emotional disappointments and injustice. Your power is to let go and feel your magic powers. 9 of Clubs will help you realize all your mistakes: what and why is not working.

The 9♣ is a card of spiritual knowledge ánd spiritual awakening. You will be constantly learning and sharing. 9 of Clubs is a hero in any field of life.

See what the Queen of Clubs means in the matrix of your destiny following the link.

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