Six of Spades – Destiny Cards – Awakening to the Law and Responsibility

The Uranus Card in the Neptune Line displaces 9 of Spades in a Natural Spread.
9 of Spades is a symbol of selflessness, so six of spades people hardly have satisfaction in life on a personal level.
As in case of all 6s, there will be plenty of monotony at work, delays, and boredom, or harmony, adjustment and peace depending on a spiritual level of a person.

You must take one direction and direct your mental attitudes toward one course.

If you choose to turn it into the action for self-interest, bubble-chasing, and schemas to get rich quick, you are headed to an inevitable final disaster.

If 6 of Spades chooses a mission of universal love, brotherhood, and unfailing good will, there will be no disappointments.

6 of Spades need to meditate and select mindful approach toward your work, or they all be stuck in discouragement, monotony, and lack of initiative.

You need to have a vision and a hope to acquire desired outcome. If you become lazy, you lose touch with life with no chance to succeed.

The education is very important; because it help to succeed and develop a positive mental attitude. This will teach you to face challenges and you find the way know to turn any complicated situation creatively into success.

It is the card of overcoming anything.

You are just and loyal, but you may seem hard and unfeeling when focused on your job and your duties. You often eager to try harder if you were bitten down by circumstances. You often have strong willpower and determined, though, in many cases, you could be plain stubborn and fixed on your ideas and opinions. You believe in eternal life and life after death. You belong to initiators and pioneers in your field of knowledge.

Planetary Sequence for 6 of Spades

Queen of Cups is Mercury card

Mother is usually a source of happiness. Relations with sisters and women, in general, are usually are kind and affectionate. When they are young, they are very open and like different people and gathering including gay parties and lightheaded people, but when they grow up and rich maturity, they abandon crazy associations. They are hipsters and hippies temporary. They naturally are serious and responsible. They are given a good start by their contacts and connections. Education is important to them and usually, their mothers encourage them to get a proper education. The better education, the easier later in life to achieve success.

10 of Clubs is Venus Card

Venus, Mars, and Jupiter all in the Crown Line. Venus influence starts with developing a power.
Learning comes easier to 6 of Spades people. They often become tops of their class without even considerate efforts.
“6 of Spades people soon realize that many doors are open to them as their own self-confidence develops and they begin to realize that they are not tools for circumstance but leaders to their lives.”
‘6 of Spades often make lasting friends who always help them whenever they need.
They may lose money if they are uneducated. They can win the lottery, but they lose money if they spend unwisely.
They usually have a positive attitude – but they can act unnatural and proud because they often exaggerate their achievements.

Mars card – 8 of Diamonds

When they develop true spiritual values, this card gives then able to be in touch with their intuition and use their powers for good. They can be innovators in the knowledge that goes beyond the realm of the material. Religion and philosophy must become a vital part of their life, their scientific experiments, artistic inspirations, or business methods.

They need and can be pioneers in every field they choose to operate.

Jupiter card is King of Spades

The card of great responsibility. A person is a builder of his happiness and his own good.
6 of Spades seek people of importance and power. 6 of Spades are in control of their situations and circumstances. If they act negatively, they usually pull other people away from them for their own interests. They seek ruthless domination rather than leadership. They like to act. 6 of Spades always have power at their disposal and benefits it brings. They can build non-profit that pays their efforts because of their intuitively knowhow. 6 of Spades know how to control people and enterprises to their benefits.

Saturn card – 3 of Cups

They have great uncertainty about trust and people. They have a strong desire for love, which is usually unfulfilled. They often preach doctrines of universal love, yet in the reality all they want is a success in personal love affairs.

Their greater mission and their natural desires create inner conflict. They try to escape emotional problems, but just put their emotional lives in denial. They may have uncertainty in health when they cannot accomplish what they started.
They have desire for travel which is often unfulfilled. They also feel they lack of appreciation in the work they do.

Uranus card – Ace of Clubs

Intuition is a key to their own power. They seek and listen, they find knowledge that they are really wanted to know. They leave in eternity of experimentations.

Neptune card – Queen of Clubs
They seek associations with people who are intelligent and talented, those who love to travel or have super-powers.
Men can be dominated by a woman.
They will seek meditation and enlightenment.

6 of Spades challenge believe in God and Wonders

Birthdays of 6 of Spades

January 8, Capricorn, Saturn

They may have difficulty in spiritual development because of uncertainty and skeptical attitude. Learning comes vis overcoming obstacles. They have success in business enterprises. They have fixed believes and can be a bit fanatical. They are very down-to-earth. They are often good leaders for non-profit causes. They are great writers, lectures and public speakers.

February 6 Aquarius

Progressive, inventive and inspirational leaders. They are interested in politics, journalism, philanthropic organizations. They like to change existing laws and creates law system.
They are good preachers and explorers. They ae kind and want equal rights and justice for all. They are honest and willing to share profits with their business partners generously. They also can be great state actors.

March 4 Pisces

Idealistic and kind. They want to make things better and improve anything they deal with. Usually their ideas are not practical and they need a team of friends to prove their ideas.They can become nuns and priests. They are usually religious. They can succeed at art, writing, and acting.

They often have sarcastic sense of humor. They can be submissive in relations and life even they have their own powers.

April 2 Aries

They are pioneers in their fields. They love to implement all new and progressive methods. They love to travel and explore. Creative, co-operative and original, they like to work for the cause. They are writers, educators and explores. They never stack at routine.


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