Some truth to queue job stereotypes

A years ago I found an old Indian book where they believe certain professions and casts can make a person queer. As i tried to look into this information on the web for some reason this subject is a taboo subject or nobody just faced this kind of an issue.

I believe that a choice of a profession is dictated by the post dramatic stress we deal as children and the way we think. If society somehow does not treat us well we create extra skills and talents to cope with the society.

I will not go over the hard core stereotypes for the jobs for queer women as truck drivers, elevator repairers, probational officers/correctional treatment specialists…

I found to be drawn to jobs with high task independence as a result of social adaptation to discrimination… I felt that being smart and hard working was bullied and never appreciated. To be always was much easier to complete a task rather than argue and encourage others even people find me a

good project manager. As long as the project was not hard, it was a one man show performed by me. Lol.

My first ever job was a tourist guide and an event planned and I was 17. This job was very rewarding in money and in emotional satisfaction. I was the same happy teaching at university.

Harsh society, harassment and stupidity at work place creates

the need to develop a talent and do your job without substantially depending on coworkers. I also say that it is not just a problem for me. My friend who worked for 7 years in fashion retail faced such a discrimination that only more male profession can safe him from being harassed at every retail job place. He is a very good looking man and ends up that in fashion world every men and women get jealous with his looks and talents. He just does not fit the job even it seems to be the best career step not to look outside the industry.

It is interesting that harsh environment creates the opposite talent that helps to cope with the world – technically being bulled creates a high level of social perceptiveness. I remember me being 5 years old and I already knew who were bad and who were good . 😉

I already could read the minds off others and see their dark sides. I started seeing future at age 14.

It might seem that task independence implies limiting social interactions, while a need for social perceptiveness implies an emphasis on social interactions.

In reality these two skills are interconnected.

Task independence refers to limited dependence on coworkers and supervisors.

While jobs that require social perceptiveness tend to involve interactions with customers, for example, patients, clients, or students.

A friend of mine is a man of all talents and he’s gorgeous. I am very happy that he got a job in security sales which will make his mind work and make him happy. I can see how a job in retail and fashion destroyed so many years of his because it was a first job he got when he was underage to work.

I still believe that a job as a makeup artist or a hairdresser can make a man queer considering now the sexuality is fluid and I can say that it because of the energy profession brings. I also believe the society does not treat gorgeous people with respect which can turn men into queer energy.

I will personally go and look into all old books of India and just look for patterns. Even it can help from 20 to 80 percent for people to be happy and harmonize their energy, it will be a tremendous benefit to humanity.

Don’t we all want more beautiful children? So we need to create an environment for a talent and beauty.

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