You are clear about goals you need to accomplish. Swords cut through things to pierce illusion, to differentiate between fantasy and reality. One sword represents one motive or guiding ideal — a vision that guides you through life’s changing fortunes with single-minded clarity. The Ace of Swords is always a symbol of optimism implying evolution, progress, a sense of hope and victory. In a reversed position, the Ace of Swords brings a darker message, which refers to sacrifice, challenges, and a critical environment. You just need to stay focused and soon you reach all your objectives. Do not hold back and hesitate.
A person knows precisely what to do. Ace of Swords – a strong-willed conscious act. It shows a limit, border, extreme, and we must try to understand how it applied in a current situation. A person is establishing boundaries, drawing a line under something.
Ace of Swords is often a pretty tough decision taken from a position of power, will, and mind.
Absolute success. Triumph of personal power any circumstances. Triumph may refer to any aspect of life: work, love, money, soul-searching or hobbies. Ace This is not so much a start, – it is an indicator of a conquered, proclaimed triumph of personal points of view and decisions.
The Ace of Swords is the most energetic card in a spread, just like the Ace of Wands.
It is courage, strength, and initiative. The seriousness of intentions is the beginning of the activity. It’s kind of new resource that person suddenly discovers in himself; finding a reasonable determination, balance, and clarity; brilliant intellectual ability, logical thinking, ability to make sound decisions, reliance on rational analysis and as well as intuition.
Even being involved in a situation, a person can look at the situation from a side point of view and see the true light. He is not afraid of challenging decisions. The Ace of Swords brings internal honesty, rigor, and solid principles.
Originality and inspiration. Sharpened and insightful perceptions (mostly experts and consultants in various fields). Wits, awareness.
“This is no time to pray – but to take up a sword” (an eternal drama of military order). The Ace of Swords is military courage, a war for the faith and principles, and its motto – “victory or death.” Another valuable lesson of the Ace of Swords – is an inextricable link between victories and suffering.
The Ace of Swords is an air element in its pure form. The Ace of Swords embodies thought and power of judgment; idea and ideology, the ability to form and to clothe in words personal beliefs. Ace of Swords corresponds to a higher mind, a force of knowledge that leads to clarity, consistency, and ability to make decisions.
Clarity is achieved by dividing (cutting) and penetration (when a blade gets into the flesh) – without anesthesia.
Sword is an important magical symbol (magic dagger, a ritual knife) – a symbol of protection.
Ace of Swords is regarded as a Seed of Power. The environment can destroy the seed or seed could actively influence the situation.
Advice: Focus all your acuteness of the mind on your problem, without losing sight of a big picture. Do not ask for the help of others. The solution is only in your hands.
Weakness: Violence as a way to solve all problems. A tendency to complicate everything. A destructive force of cold reasoning crushes all. Self-destruction is a heavy-handed approach. The desire is to leave everybody behind.
Suddenly in a stable life of a reasonable individual came passionate love or some ample emotion.
All-consuming love and hate the same time, an exclusive power, both in love and hatred”. Monsoreau Dumas wrote in his novel (“When he confessed me he is in love, I thought that he recognized me in hatred”). It is not a feeling of harmony and tenderness. It is a victory over the resistance – if you love a person, he can show hate and opposite. Love-hate relations.
Impulses of the Ace of Swords can ignite such a fire that will burn all the obstacles on the way to a goal, simultaneously causing a lot of harm (hopefully, if a target survives …). We can see close a brilliance of a dagger. We consider swords as cold and non-emotional. Imagine, when there is only one emotion, only one impulse. And this power to some point (usually very fast) begins to look for a way outside (see Two of Swords).
The advent of new ideas, projects, and hobbies. Ancient meaning of the Ace of Swords – winning, completed, a stunning victory.
Excellent prospects for higher positions, career development, satisfaction and ambition. The crucial is a breakthrough in a particular matter. Determined and practical actions and a clear choice of priorities. Ability to work for the future, to bring action plans to completion.
By Ace of Swords is a beginning of learning at institution or job training. A person starts a new cycle as a winner (where others failed), – soon a person will reach the desired position. A person can feel the euphoria of his strength and achievements.
The Ace of Swords usually breaks all illusions helping to see things in their true light; clearly and adequately estimating a situation. The Ace of swords is an indicator of mathematical and logical abilities. It shows experts, attorneys, pilots, and all sorts of inspectors, whose professional task is to see things “as is”.
A person has excellent analytical abilities and could present and explain his ideas to others.
Plenty of energy, good health, vitality, self-creation.
With unfavorable cards may indicate an illness caused by hypothermia,
Reversed – self-destruction, undermining vital forces. With negative cards, can be an indicator of coming death.
A passion has burst into a regular and familiar life, or it is expected in a very near future.
All-consuming love and hate; an exclusive power, both in love and hatred.” Victory over resistance.
The energy of the Ace of Swords can ignite such a fire that will burn all the obstacles on the way to a goal, simultaneously causing a lot of harm (well, if the target survives). Here, as they say, close shine guessed dagger.
Passionate, intense love of Ace of Swords could be a complicated, relentless, uncompromising feeling that is hard to escape.This love may seem “cold”, but this love subjugates the life.
Ace of Swords is an indicator of sexual initiation, high potency, fertility, fecundity and pregnancy for women.
“Fight or flee”: direct Ace of Swords says, “Fight!” Reverse commands to “flee away!”
Reversed Ace of Swords can be an indicator of a weak will and an inability to make decisions; escape from problems and sometimes humility in the highest sense. Reversed Ace of Swords looks like a cross.
A problem cannot be solved; perhaps, a problem has no solution.
Fear of punishment (“Damocles sword”).
A crook in the lot – a blow of fate.
For a woman, it could be a sign of pregnancy.
With the Ace of Wands – tremendous courage and personal strength.
With the Ace of Cups – unusually intense love and deep feelings.
With Three of Cups – a prospect to get out of straitened circumstances.
With the Ace of pentacles – abundance and prosperity.