The butterfly becomes, only when it’s entirely ready.
Chinese greetings say “May you live in times of a big change!” The beginning of a
new era often has a tinge of unsettling joy.
You may realize a need for change and profound, radical transformation.
Within you, an entirely new identity matures; you change the way you think. Your beliefs, feelings, and reactions become different. You will have new hobbies, a new value system, new friends, and acquaintances. Only your soul remains the same. In fact, the only soul has a power to create something new.
The only soul has enough strength to make a transformation and make us evolve spiritually. The soul is immortal in us that passes from one incarnation to another.
As a card of the day, Death card means is that some long-
Standing belief or condition will be changed by the events of the day.
General Meaning
The natural end of the existing situation is coming, and there is nothing wrong with that. Death is the healing of the beginning of new life.
The Death Arcana brings favorable changes and perpetual motion, and deliverance from unnecessary. An ancient Chinese curse is: “I want you to live in the times of change!” Life is now entering such a “time of change,” and it is still not clear when life once
again brings stability.
The person who got the Death awaits significant changes. According to Death, processes end, the cycle is completed, all projects enter the end phase. Death is a change that clears the way for new efforts and a new round.
You can face a time of renunciation and rejection. We may abandon our goals and turn our projects into oblivion.
Just as the Tower marks something that will inevitably change because of the accumulated tension, Death marks those places where the voltage went away at all, like the current from the network.
The primary definition of the Death card is the end of the existing situation. The break from the past, the end of the current situation. Something in life comes to its logical, overdue end, a turning point that can touch on the style of life, work, or relationships. The most important thing during the reading is to connect the card with the question.
Personal Conditions
It’s time to write a treatise on the frailty of all things and the essence of everything perishable. A significant chapter of our life has come to an end, and there’s nothing
to be done about it. “It’s time to hug, and time to shy, time to scatter stones and time to collect.” This sensation can be associated with an empty house, from which dear people left (children grew up and left the home), a wallet empties due to losses, the need to change the place of work, or health, forcing to draw a line under the old way of life. Death often falls to people who have reached a certain age, when there is a transformation of personality, a transition to a new quality.
Falling into a personal situation, Death says: one more stage of your life is nearing completion, an entirely new personality is ripening in you, a way of thinking, belief, feelings, and reactions are changing. You can become another person, but at the same time remain yourself, but in a completely transformed state. You will have new hobbies, a new value system, new friends, and acquaintances. The only your soul remains the same. The soul is the one and only immortal in us, that passes from one incarnation to another.
Sometimes Death falls to a person suffering from a fear of life. He can seek consolation in illusions or shut up in his shell. Death can describe a person who is ready to leave – work, relationships, and sometimes his own life. It bears severity and bitterness, depression and a stamp of loss, a spirit of separation and removal.
Death often describes a person capable of making visible and often pretty joyless changes in the lives of others. At the same time, a person can be well educated, elegantly dressed and not inclined to raise a fuss around himself (this is not the Tower); and at the same time, it is quite radical in his decisions. for example, a person never gives up with the firm intention to take all enemies with him to the grave (carefully destroy the files on the work computer in case of dismissal) – these are extreme manifestations.
A person described by the Thirteenth Arkan is often perceptive, he has a unique gift of insight about himself and others, the ability to see underlying motives of others or the inevitable finale of events.
Like death, this person shows up rarely as an “occasional guest,” and if he comes, he is in his designated place, even if people around him do not think so.
This person can be adequate, to give an impression of a substantial character and great insight, sometimes even of exceptional beauty, but something is missing. This something is the ability to enjoy life.
The person of XIII Arcana is a master to destroy and say “no.” His profession can be directly connected with life and death and be dangerous.
On A Deeper Level
We enter this Life by the gates of Death. It’s a beautiful card. Death brings rebirth to real life. Those who were on the brink of death know the touch of a Death dissolves everything that is not authentic. The Death is a Great Teacher and a Great Transformer, releasing energy. The Death does not kill but resurrects.
We can see a Mystical Rose of Life on a banner of a rider, while the Sun of Immortality shining on a horizon: who is dead for empty temptations and frees his spirit to enlightenment.
Nothing comes closer to life than death. Nothing makes us feel and appreciate life as sharply as the proximity of death. These two codes are soldered to each other, yin and yang, a double helix. Death is the fruit that ripens in us all my life. Realizing this, we do not perceive life and death as the opposite. Everything new only appears due to the fleetingness of the old.
A theme of Death is the central part of ritual initiations of many mystical schools. The ability to “die” is a mystery those who were initiated. The traditional Sufi utterance “Die before you die” encourages us to understand that we can not live a full life while fear of death screams in us. Any clinging prevents us from being in the natural flow of Life.
Mortals revere the likening to immortal gods to the supreme destiny, and the eternal gods become mortals to understand what it means to live. The experience of Death helps to realize that you are only human feeling grief and weaknesses, pain, and fear.
Death is only midway in a chain of Major Arcana of Tarot. What does not kill us will make us stronger. We rich a stage in spiritual development, when the time has come for a complete break from the past, and do rebirth and reincarnation into another person.
Death says: forget what you were before, the old life came to an end. You are waiting for complete metamorphosis into a different way of existence, a different lifestyle.
In a direct position, Death means that the worldview is expanding, and we give up restrictions. Death speaks of the end of the existing situation, which involves profound changes in the psyche and views of the world.
The impulse of Death occurs when we face with grief, depression, and loss. The troubles seem insane, and we feel like wandering through the underworld on quicksand, which yesterday looked like a solid foundation of life. However, later we remember this problematic period significant for our growth. We will do what is considered impossible, and we live even it seems unlikely to survive. After experiencing the destruction and impotence, we comprehend the entire vitality of the human spirit. We feel like a phoenix rising from his ashes.
Medieval allegorical image of Death warns you against pride – “do not overthink about yourself because you came from dust and returned to dust”. Memento mori! Everybody shall participate in a medieval “Dance of Death”, rich and poor.
Skeleton and braid are essential attributes of Saturn, a planet, which represents a fundamental structure of our being. A braid (and sickle) is also associated with a waning Moon, and with Hecate, a dark deity of death, in which time (Saturn) has taken away a blessing of having children.
As soon as Death clears the territory, regeneration begins.
“On a red-red blood in an hour land is cultivated, in two ours flowers and grass flourish, in three hours the land alive again …” Words froma sogn.
Death symbolizes a radical transition in a realm of spiritual development: rebirth and creation, renewal and rest, and change for the better.
The author, Guggenheimer, credits the Death with a very inspiring meaning – “this is a card of rebirth and creation, renewal and rest, and change for the better.” Banzhaf notes that the Death rider keeps his way to the right, at sunrise, while people turned to the left, to the sunset. Death is the end that brings a new beginning, and people tend to see only the end.
The other positive meaning of Death its association with a time of harvest. The seed is sown, and it is a time to harvest the fruits. The God is playing a role of a caring father, who gives his life to feed people. Harvest is a time of abundance, but also a time of death and sacrifice.
Death is a “rider on a pale horse” coming from the Apocalypse. A flower woven on a banner of a mysterious rider is a Mystic Rose, a symbol of eternal life in an esoteric iconography of Rosicrucians. The sun rising between towers is a symbol of immortality and rebirth. A bend of a river is an image of future metamorphosis, and the river separates our world from the world of shadows.
Shakspere stories about their inseparable love connections are the best representation in a Death Card.
Unbreakable bond “Love – Death” is also widely represented in medieval allegories. Because of love, a person can get a dagger in your back or die giving birth to a child.
This card is unfavorable regarding health. The Spirit of Death is decay and annihilation. Dental extractions and surgeries for tumors can happen when this card shows up.
Severe health disorders can occur, such as surgery, heart attacks and the like, as well as chronic and incurable diseases. In sporadic cases – coma, kinetic death. Death very rarely means the actual physical end of a questioner or someone close to him.
Death often describes the state of depression.
Meditation can help to survive the loss or joyless changes if they are associated with stress. Sometimes it could mean an evil eye or witchcraft took place.
Etteilla suggests to take another card from a deck or do a reading again. For him, the card has a negative interpretation to stay away from crazy dogs and people, do not drive in poor weather.
A card suggests taking time to practice concentration and meditation and let negative thoughts pass and be reborn into something beautiful.
Reversed Death brings weakness, passivity, and soreness. The state of inertia, evil eye, “sleep on the go.” A situation had not yet ready for the change and frozen in time.