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Daily Archives: August 3, 2023

Nine of Wands – the Lord of Great Power and Strength – the Courage Under Fire

The 9 of Wands speaks of the desire to defend oneself and the ability to cope with problems. This self-protection can be interpreted both positively and negatively. We are talking about acquiring the “Great Strength”, the ability to withstand any test of strength, to adequately withstand any difficulties and…

Five of Wands – Lord of Struggle – Hard in Training – Easy in Battle

The 5 of Wands speaks of defending your own interests among your smart team players. The Five of Wands is a typical environment where everyone competes with everyone and everyone disagrees with everyone, and still all this is not real, but only a convention. In the worst case, it is…

TEN OF WANDS – “Lord of Oppression” – The Way of the Cross

The third decade of Sagittarius from December 11 to 21. Saturn, the Sun as a symbol of heaviness in the soul and a gloomy mood because you work too hard or Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 11th house creates in your mind an image of futility. Houses X and…