Five of Wands – Lord of Struggle – Hard in Training – Easy in Battle

The 5 of Wands speaks of defending your own interests among your smart team players.

The Five of Wands is a typical environment where everyone competes with everyone and everyone disagrees with everyone, and still all this is not real, but only a convention.

In the worst case, it is a battle of ideas, an aggressive discussion environment, the participants of which are not constructive, do not respect each other, and you have to defend yourself.

At best, a useful brainstorming session where you can test your ideas through disagreements with others.

The action of the Five of Wands tends to take place mainly at work bringing constructive criticism and healthy competition. It has challenge and tension. The 5 of Wands offers to test your strength, will, skills, talents, knowledge in competition with others.

An atmosphere of disagreement, contradictions and rivalry clearly reigns.

With a favorable card environment, you can successfully negotiate, take an authoritative position and convince your opponents.

Ancient interpretations speak of futile aspirations, unfulfilled desires, the card is considered negative, carrying obstacles, troubles, annoying interference, sometimes restrictions, involvement in other people’s problems. In combination with unfavorable cards – immature decisions or unattainable goals, unrealistic plans, quarrels and contentions, and most importantly – perseverance in a losing business.

Any Five breaks through the stability of the Four. This is a struggle – external, internal, a battle for supremacy.

And yet, the modern interpretation of the 5 of Wands it brings positive meaning. First, problems with the Five of Wands resolve without any serious damage. Secondly, it is an exciting challenge of fate, an invitation to measure our strength, and to compete and win.

Personal Feelings

You feel cheerful and ambitious. You have minimal internal tension as a result of a challenge from outside.

Fight for luck, wealth, success; sometimes arrogance and pride.

Intrapersonal conflict, struggle with illusions and conflicting aspirations in oneself. In this state, according to the law of projection, it may seem that the whole world is up in arms against us, but in fact, the struggle unfolds inside due to the fact that actions do not correspond to goals, and true desires do not correspond to those aspirations that we seem to actively confess. In general, the Five of Wands is a crisis on the way to self-improvement.

The 5 of Wands is an indicator of people for whom participation in various competitions is the way of life, and this can be karate, playing the violin or ballroom dancing.

You struggle for a place under the sun.

You climb on the rampage, accept the challenges, and seek an adventure. This is a “tough nut”. Pushing you into a corner is an impossible mission because you are driven by ambition and irritability, passion, love of games and experiments.

On a Deeper Level

The Five of Wands corresponds to a revolutionary renewal after a phase of stability, when a system that was in harmony before ceases to function because it faces a challenge.

It could be the phase of teenage withdrawal; internal growth and internal conflict, when different sides of different levels of development clash in us, snapping evolutionary tails, and the ego at this moment is trying to resist. The struggle of different aspirations can cause discomfort, and yet the 5 of Wands brings creative cleansing energy. This is the force of development, the force of movement, destroying a certain fixation.

Astrological phenomena

The first decade of Leo from July 23 to August 2.

Astrological equivalents are Saturn in Leo or in air signs.

Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games.

If Aries includes energy sources, then Leo carries them out. The first decade of Leo shows the individual, realizing his originality, learns to manage himself, saving efforts and developing a strategy of behavior so as not to be led by circumstances. He takes fate into his own hands. But the life goals and inner truth of one person may not coincide with the intentions and outlook on the life of other people: excessive individualism and the pursuit of only one’s goals limit the possibilities of realization and lead to obstacles and conflicts.

Astrologically, Saturn blocks the creative energy of Leo, does not allow Leo energy to turn around. This concentrated charge of energy is looking for expression, which sometimes looks like a loner’s rebellion. Saturn in Leo gives you the strength to be yourself and go against everyone, not seeking recognition and refusing it ahead of time.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: Do give up your position before the fight begins. Now more than ever, willpower and certainty of thought are required. It makes sense to take on the challenge and prove yourself. You can argue, defending your point of view, turn rivals into allies, fight for your positions, show your abilities, try your hand, not being afraid to fill a couple of bumps and approaching the matter with sports passion.

“It’s going to be a good workout and you’ll love it.” It is necessary to use the accumulated life experience to overcome the vicissitudes of fate and show perseverance in achieving the intended goal.

Do not be afraid of competition either in work or in love – this is a chance to show your best side and achieve success.

Warning: do not break spears where it is not necessary. Beware of rash actions, do not ask for trouble, do nothing “on a dare” and “out of principle.” A particular area of activity is given too much attention. It makes no sense to seek help and advice from others when a collision with opposition is guaranteed.


Competition, competition and more competition. Intrigues and conflicts, but not particularly destructive, an atmosphere of mutual disagreement, “there is a lot of noise, but little sense”, things are still there. Disputes over resources, property, copyrights, areas of activity. A lot of disagreements on various production issues, which clearly does not improve the working atmosphere.

This may be the interference of outsiders in the affairs of the organization, and difficulties with the integration of new employees, and other shaking in the organizational culture. Adaptation to existing conditions and their creative transformation. Sometimes – the emergence of a new leader, who will not be easy to establish contact with subordinates.

One of the meanings of this card is empty chores. If the questioner wants to start some business, this card guarantees these chores, running around, fuss, lack of time, collisions and promises, but not the result. A pile of problems that need to be resolved, and what will come of it, other cards will tell.

It is also a card of learning, training, coaching. It is followed by vocational training, exercises, development of physical and other abilities, righteous works in educational environments in which a person actually faces both reality and his own weaknesses, fear, lack of energy, the need to obey someone.

Success in school, sports or on stage is expected.

There is exhausting work in an atmosphere of conflict and overcoming many obstacles.

Organizational change, well described by the words “the best is the enemy of the good.”

In rare cases, a job change. There can be liberation from everything unnecessary. At best, the Five of Wands can open up new horizons.

Intense competition, an attempt to conquer new territories. With a favorable card environment – the emergence of new opportunities in a particular field of activity.

traditionally, the Five of Wands is considered a card of profit, wealth, abundance, luxury, successful financial transactions. Whoever seeks will find, and whoever wants to get rich will succeed. But as a symbol of the destruction of the comfort of the quaternary scheme, the Five of Wands can mean the beginning of an unstable period, the loss of certain social guarantees.

Personal relations

Tight together, but boring apart. There is a disturbing discomfort in a relationship that can range from minor disagreements to major scandals. Personal confrontations flare up every now and then, fueled by ambition and the desire to prove something to someone. It may just be a grinding phase (it is interesting that one of the ancient meanings of this Arcana is “prudent marriage”).

The card can indicate selfishness, rivalry, jealousy, unwillingness to give in and hidden enmity, as well as unsatisfied sexual desires.

In some cases, this card, oddly enough, may indicate conception. Sometimes the Five of Wands symbolizes the revival of libido and the cheerful “who wins.”

It also symbolizes liberation from unnecessary connections The best, gives the Five of Wands, is the release of accumulated tension, most often through conflict.

In any case, this is an uncomfortable state that requires some new guidelines in the relationship. For a single person, the Five of Wands can be an indication of a “battle with yourself” to decide on a new relationship. To yield or not to yield to the habit of loneliness?

Reversed 5 of Wands

Unfair competition, fights without rules, where it is quite possible to get stabbed in the back. Intrigues and disputes, problems with the law and litigation. Inflating quarrels, persecution.

Traditionally: quarrels, strife, troubles, insidious tricks.

At best, it is taking advantage of someone else’s quarrel or rivalry.

The ancient meaning is an unnecessary rivalry, a lost bet. This may be the end of a period of struggle, conflict and stress….because the person is out of the game. Cancellation of a sporting event, postponed game, postponement of an exam.

Lack of cooperation, destructive criticism, injustice, inability to reconcile different points of view, sabotage of negotiations.

As an indicator of personality, it can mean a cold and hard mind, inability or unwillingness to benefit from life lessons, maximalism, dividing everything into black and white.

Failure in competition. Dishonest refereeing, fraud.

Unreliability of social position, involvement in certain processes against one’s own will.

Overestimated or underestimated self-esteem.

Card Combinations

With the Strength – an atmosphere of disagreement

With Temperance – coordination of interests, harmony, joint work

With the Tower – bad luck

With the World – integration, peace, joint activities

With the Four of Wands – luck.

With the Seven of Wands – opposition, battle

With the Ten of Wands – quarrels, resistance, collision with obstacles

With the Five of Swords – fierce rivalry up to betrayal. Kiss of Judas somewhere nearby. Dangerous discord, confrontation of the parties.

With the Two of Cups – truce, agreement, joint movement

With the Two of Pentacles – well-coordinated work, conflict resolution

With the reversed Nine of Pentacles – theft.

Reversed 5 of Wanda with the King of Cups – litigation, loss,

with the King of Swords – everything is definitely not in favor of the querent.

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