4 ♣️ The Four of Wands – Lord of Completion – Perfect Work – Cosmic order – Golden Section

4 of Wands is a happy card. The main meanings of 4 of Wands are benevolence and prosperity, noticeable and well-deserved success and recognition, excellent atmosphere, “the arrival of happiness”.

4 of Clubs

4 of Wands brings harmony, self-confidence, balance and enjoyment of the results of your work. Peace and relaxation go along it, a situation where no troubles and difficulties threaten. Difficulties behind, you can relax and enjoy life. Often 4 of Wands describes a situation where something has been done, useful experience has been gained.

I just want to enjoy what I have achieved. The card invites us to joy and have fun – life is beautiful!

Sometimes 4 of Wands says that a well-deserved holiday awaits us, a fun party, some kind of “going out” or just a vacation. 4 of Wands is in charge of family holidays, banquets, alumni meetings, solemn assemblies, country parties and picnics. 4 of Wands brings peace and tranquility. You feel freedom, release from responsibility, completion of the project. 4 of Wands brings pleasant activities for the soul than righteous labors in the sweat of one’s brow.

The Four of Wands is never a random or invisible card in a spread. 4 of Wands is a decoration. 4 of Wands gives a favorable answer to almost any question. This card is the keeper of a very positive and powerful energy. It is the Four of Wands that falls in the personal alignment of people who are are very lucky.

4 of Clubs

This is a mercy of fate, when it is relatively easy to overcome any difficult situations. 4 of Wands talks about the stable development of the business and promises final success. Often marks some rather fateful milestone in life (graduation, engagement.)

Realization of plans, worthy completion of what has been started. It can be the legal registration of a business, and obtaining a diploma, and marriage, and the conclusion of an important contract. It is believed that the Four of Wands describes the highest point of development in which a lot of effort has been invested. But it also opens up opportunities for developing and new beginnings.

One of the traditional meanings is a successful arrival somewhere or returning home, reunion with dear people.

Astrological correspondences: The third decade of Aries from April 10 to 20.

Venus in Aries, in the V house as a symbol of joy, play, entertainment,

Moon / Venus as the personification of a sense of security and the joy of communication.

Aquarius, XI House

Occult Meaning – Materialization, Result

4 of Clibs

Personal Feelings

Positive and optimistic.

The standard of practical psychology is the development of capabilities and abilities, social relevance, confidence, openness, the ability to trust others and enjoy the trust. 4 of Wands removes any internal contradictions, gives – for a while – a feeling of “happiness that lasts forever.”

The Four of Wands brings a sense of security and inner serenity. These are happy times. Now you feel free from any obligations and conditions that do not suit you, and without regret parting with the past. The Four of Wands’ tonality is openness, hospitality, new meetings, going out, and friendly parties.

4 of Wands corresponds to a period of peace and quiet, during which we open ourselves to life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore we are ready to leave the “fortified walls” and go out into the outside world. This means communication, entertainment, pleasure, new acquaintances, a feeling of deep relationship with other people, social relevance.

And yet the Four of Wands is not the Three of Cups. It encourages the establishment of boundaries to keep the situation beautiful, gives a desire for stability and structure. It just has a strong emphasis on the desire to rest after the labors of the righteous, to enjoy a calm harmonious life, a situation of prosperity and comfort, and the pleasures what money can buy. Mental stability and the desire for order. Harmony, peace, tranquility, rest after the war won, enjoyment of the fruits of one’s labor.

The person of the Four of Wands is pleased with himself and his place in life, knowing that he deserved it. Sometimes this is an enthusiast, “live advertising”, a leader. He knows how to inspire and encourage like no other.

On Deeper Level

This is a period of transition to another level of development, joyful and free, when a person parted with his past without regret. The energy of 4 of Wands is the embodiment of creative power.

The Four of Wands symbolizes mental stability, disciplined thought, the desire for order, a sense of structure, finding like-minded people, a sense of belonging to a particular tradition.

The 4 of Wands energetically expresses the idea of a cosmic structure or the origin of the world: the original creative impulse (one) acquired a fruitful polarity in two, expressed itself in three (a metaphor for conception) and was fixed in the space of four in the form of a material embodiment.

One of the deep keys of the card is “Love everything that universe created.” The Four of Wands indicates that something is already completed casting itself into a certain form, like the appearance (unexpected materialization) of a miraculous icon. Another meaning is invention (the idea passes from the mental plane to the material plane). The card also symbolizes the situation when several people in different parts of the world come to the same idea at the same time.

The third decade of Aries is traditionally associated with Venus, hence its second name – “Love“. The impulse of energy is introduced into matter, and in search of recognition begins to interact with it. Personal enthusiasm clashes with the objective laws of life. The objectivity of external being directs a person to search for his place in society and to creative knowledge of the ways of truth and justice. The impulse of love here can reach passion.

This is a card of established and orderly harmony, naturalness and joy, contentment and peace, and at the same time stable development – in the family and at work. The ability to resolve conflicts and reconcile contradictions (the success in negotiations).

The trap of the card is resting on your laurels, the belief that peace has come forever). Her mystery is Alexander’s rest after the conquest of Babylon.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice of the card is to arrange a holiday, enjoy the luxury of human communication with friends, loved ones, show hospitality or go out into the world. It’s time to take a well-deserved vacation.

Do not devote too much time to entertainment, gatherings, parties and pleasant relaxation, and too little work.

The desire to go with the flow, resting on our laurels. Escapism, as well as “various bad excesses.” Also, according to this card, a person overestimates his abilities and his significance. The Four of Wands reminds that a party-goer is not a profession.

Professional Situation

A holiday on the occasion of the successful completion of the project, pride in one’s achievements.

It’s the state after passing an exam, and you want song and dance.

This is a celebration.

“Vacation like people” – carelessness, peace, tranquility.

Newly Found Prosperity. Team spirit, effective and fun collaboration that people enjoy. Work is perceived as an art, routine things are done without tension, genuine benevolence and an atmosphere of mutual trust reigns around.

The pathos of the Four of Wands is the harmony of human relations. Its essential feature is that no one holds a stone in his bosom and does not cherish ulterior motives.

If we are talking about a project, this is a smart idea, well-founded and creatively implemented. Conclusion of contracts.

According to the Four of Wands, it is often possible to overcome or simply get around situations that are practically insoluble, and also to achieve the desired results without much effort in any area of interest to you. Sometimes the card describes a situation of patronage.

Successful negotiations, presentations, receptions. Warm welcome, high marks.

The card is considered to be related to design, decoration of homes and workplaces, magazines such as “Home and Garden”.


The classic meaning is “newly acquired prosperity”, a card of the nouveau riche (people who recently and suddenly became rich). Material prosperity, stability, financial well-being. Positive resolution of issues related to business, investments, sponsorship and so on. Good profit. Decent reward.

You can invest to yourself and spend on your desires, the overall situation of prosperity and comfort. Pleasures that money can buy. Stay in a great environment.

This is one of the best cards in housing spread. Its meaning is a good home, a great place to live. Best time to purchase the house

Personal Relations

The Four of Wands largely reflects the energy law: we attract people who complement us at the level at which we ourselves are.

Happiness, stability, favorable development of relationships. Sexual satisfaction, good compatibility. Prosperous life together, harmony in the family. Living sympathy and warmth of the heart. Joint entertainment, going out, vacation, great pastime. Prosperity at home.

A willingness to meet halfway, show affection, take the initiative, open one’s feelings, make gifts, bring guests, and the like situations are manifested. People who tend to sit in their own shell “crawl out into the light”, without fear of trouble and make good acquaintances. 4 of Wands is also a return to family roots where wanderers and travelers) return to a native harbor (IV house in astrology), to find peace, and restore balance.

Romantic relationship, celebration, or marriage. Happy event.

The Four of Wands is a very “marriage” card. Four pillars with a flower garland on the Arcana in Waite’s deck symbolically correlate with the marriage canopy and strong bonds. Fours streamline everything – this is how the institution of marriage streamlines people’s love relationships. This Arcana always shows that something is already so completed internally that it seems to be casting itself into a certain form. People who sympathize with each other intend to come together for a life together. Or a happy couple lived together and finally decided to formalize their relationship.

Sometimes “happy divorcees” pass along with 4 of Wands – people who perceived the dissolution of a marriage as an escape from captivity and liberation from oppressive shackles and obligations.

Sometimes the Four of Wands can hint that the relationship exists more “for the public” than in reality, and is a kind of “PR effect”.

4 of Clubs


Good health, recovery

In rare cases, the card indicates pregnancy and childbirth.

Reversed 4 of Wands can speak of an unreasonable waste of energy, undermining health with an overly cheerful lifestyle, as well as the inevitable processes of gradual aging, fading. One of its classic meanings is “faded beauty”.

If the question was about plastic surgery, 4 of Clubs warns of “spoiled beauty” suggesting that an unsuccessful plastic surgery, designed to “improve the sign”, but in fact made it worse than it was.

Reversed 4 of Wands

In ancient interpreters, it is indicated that the card, even in an inverted position, retains its positive meaning of happiness, satisfaction, prosperity and beauty.

And this, of course, alarms modern interpreters – everything cannot be so simple if the festive tent turned over! It is as if the party, which had high hopes, took place, but the questioner was left out of work. One of the traditional meanings is “unfulfilled romantic expectations”, also generally unfulfilled dreams.

One typical modern interpretation is “no party time”. There is still some kind of obstacle, something that does not allow you to complete the task and truly free yourself. In addition, it is possible that people with whom you would like to have fun feel completely different. This may also be the case when some kind of banquet is coming, the thought of which rather depresses than pleases, and we think about how to get away as soon as possible.

In reversed position, 4 of Wands may indicate a person’s temporary anxiety to feel the joy of life, trust in friends and loved ones, and perhaps, advice is to postpone your plans until peace of mind is restored. One of the traditional meanings is “complete loss of calmness.”

Reversed 4 of Wands can destroy conventions and pull off masks, so all sorts of sins of the past, unexpected vices and other “terrible secrets” emerge.

The event may not correspond to the traditional ideas of how marriage should be (for example, an unconventional gay wedding).

This card may be a warning that you cannot count on a happy coincidence, the situation is actually very precarious.

A direct card carries the energy of completeness, an inverted one may indicate that the project needs to be finalized. Or the project that seems to have already been completed, gaps and shortcomings are suddenly discovered, and it is not possible to put an end to it (this can be a “pleasant” discovery, for example, for a graduate student who discovers that an already bound work must be reprinted from – for sneaking technical bloopers and blunders).

Reversed 4 of Wands can mean instability, haste, and vanity. Slackness, inability to mobilize oneself to do something. It may be loss of motivation to work, or maybe a lack of faith in one’s abilities.

The inverted Four of Wands is also incomplete (broken off in Aquarius) love relationships, incomplete happiness. With confirming cards – the decision to live separately, the division of property, divorce. Also, this is not a situation where you can expect a quick marriage proposal.

It can be either a lack of outside help, guardianship, patronage, or ingratitude.

Feeling of insecurity and a complete lack of guarantees.

It is believed that the card may indicate the need to sell real estate.

With other Cards:

With the Wheel of Fortune – a feast, a fun holiday – it’s repeating and never ending. Every day is a holiday.

With Strength – inspiration, motivation, euphoria

With the Devil – dependence and lack of freedom, codependent relationships

With the Ten of Wands – a heavy burden and being in a painful situation, the card “beats” the Four of Wands

With the Three of Cups – festivity, spirituality, happiness

With the Four of Cups – apathy, indifference

With the Ten of Cups reversed – troubles that caused quarrels in the house.

With the Two of Swords – reconciliation.

With the Six of Swords – the card weakens the meaning of the Four of Wands, while at the same time promising a quiet haven.

With an reversed Ace of Pentacles – a find of money or win in gambling

With the Two of Pentacles – fun parties, carelessness

Alister Crowley Interpretation

4 of Wands

Frida Harris has created an amazing image, so unlike the usual plots of most popular decks, including the classic 4 of wands. Against a calm green background is a wheel, the spokes of which are four wands. The wands are crowned with the heads of rams on one side, and the doves of Venus on the other. Some kind of harmony, calmness, stability directly emanates from this illustration. The name of the Arcana is “Completion”.

Tongues of flame in the center of the circle is the idea of balance.

4 of Wands Tarot Thoth symbolizes order, law, the embodiment of energy in a solid structure. We can say that this is a favorable time when you can rest on your laurels, since some important stage has entered a stable phase. This is a very good time to strengthen your positions.

Papus 4 of Clubs

4 of Clubs Papus

Society. Master of Careful Work. Love and Completion. Girl from about 8 years old.

Upright 4 of Clubs

The appearance of 4 of Clubs indicates that everything that you have done so far has been done in the right direction and in a due time. Now your work has been crowned with success – your position in society is more stable than ever, in the team you enjoy well-deserved respect and authority, love and understanding reign in your family, you have many good and faithful comrades and among them there are several people whom you can call yours true friends and associates.

Any problems that arise in you or in your circle you manage to resolve with the help of common sense, through negotiations, agreements and contracts. Moreover, thanks to joint efforts, it is possible to find solutions that suit all the disputing parties at the same time, just as in the old days issues were resolved at peasant gatherings in the Russian patriarchal rural community. Pretty much, families ruled and families never intended to get into a war with each other because of their family ties. As monarchies die out in contemporary world, wars prevail.

According to Papus

This card, in relation to the medicine of the spirit, in its natural position means: Society, Association, Assembly, Communication, Federation, Union, Gathering, Gathering, Club, Community, Detachment, Crowd, Heap, Army, Gang, Regiment, Army, Convocation , Accompaniment, Mixing Blend, Admixture, Ligature, Amalgam, Treaty, Contract, Convention, Agreement, Treatise.

General interpretation

The appearance of 4 of Clubs says that you are on a new stage to begin your journey – you have found reliable and faithful comrades on the way.

Now you are no longer alone in your aspirations. Now you learn what is the art of true friendship, because “a house divided in itself cannot stand.”

A true friendship is characterized by another quality – each of the members of the team stays in it of his own free will and all the obligations that he assumes in relation to his comrades are in fact not “attachment” or “social burden”, but a special a form of service in the highest sense of the word.

Reversed 4 of Wands

In the reversed position, 4 of Wands does not carry with it a special negative load. Its appearance promises you success in your affairs and endeavors, although you will have to enjoy its fruits alone.

What will bother you in the near future is the feeling of the precariousness of your current position. You will not feel a solid ground under your feet. And this is natural, because the four in geometric terms is a square – a symbol of the Earth, and the reversed four of Clubs indicates the absence of a reliable support and correct guidelines, when every wrong move can lead you to defeat, and you have no one to turn to for help or advice.

Nevertheless, having overcome all difficulties thanks to your perseverance and accuracy in performing all operations, you will achieve victory in the end.

According to Papus

Prosperity, Increase, Increment, Enhancement, Success, Luck, Happiness, Prosperity, Welfare, Beauty, Ornament.

General interpretation

You are on the path is lonely and in danger. On your journey, you have entered dangerous territory alone, where every wrong step is fraught with a fall into an abyss from which there may never be a return.

You can only rely on yourself, on your skills and abilities. However, you have chosen this path and you have no one to blame. On the other hand, any progress is, first of all, a rebellion against the former self, and, consequently, against all those forces that helped and supported you before. However, at this stage, you have enough internal strength to overcome all the hardships that lie ahead of you. And the suffering and risk that sometimes frighten seekers so much is a completely natural price for the right to grow. Some steps in our destiny require suffering and sacrifices to grow to a next level.

Suffering is an inevitable companion of any work on oneself, but after suffering there is the period of harvest. The only thing to avoid is pointless suffering.

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