Two of Pentacles – Lord of Harmonious Change

The presence of balance in some matter. 2 of Pentacles is dynamic, unstable, makes you nervous. And this is the best news. 2 of Pentacles is a constant balancing act. The worst thing that the Two of Pentacles can bring is the feeling of throwing from one extreme to another: either empty, then thick, then “everything is good”, then “everything is bad”.

But at the same time, the ship is sailing, the caravan is moving on… The secret of the Two of Pentacles is in its dual, mutually balancing external and internal action. Externally, it brings vicissitudes, but internally – the ability to deal with them! This is an attempt to control several cases, situations, projects, relationships at the same time.

2 of Pentacles

The traditional meaning of 2 of Diamonds is not very good: turmoil, confusion, embarrassment, bewilderment. This is probably due to the fact that according to the Two of Pentacles “there will be no peace” (although there will be balance and parity of forces) . The dynamic Two of Pentacles heralded “troubles”! “The emergence of difficult situations”! For us, this is an easy and normal everyday stress.

Somewhere you won, somewhere you lost, but still hold on.

However, the negative ancient interpretation says, the Two of Pentacles is a vanity card, and this vanity is usually associated with money. It can be interpreted as a “shattered situation” – a person noticed signs of its deterioration, heard some kind of “alarm bell” (falling income, dissatisfaction with colleagues, changed attitudes), now he is actively looking for a way out from an awkward position. He worries, but (it would be much harder if he went into a Nine of Swords panic).

2 of Pentacles describes just the turmoil, slight confusion, anxiety and concern at the beginning of new projects and the emergence of new difficulties. Then – 3 of Pentacles is Work, study, spin the wheel to turn itself…

Two of Pentacles warns that in the near future all skills and a resourcefulness you need to maintain at the proper level.

Busy Mercury accentuates travel and correspondence, news, receiving letters. “Sailing on stormy waters” is possible

Two of Pentacles is the presence of two equal opportunities, between which hard to choose.

2 of Pentacles

Personal Feelings

“The Great Combinator”. “Figaro here, Figaro there.” Flexibility, agility, efficiency and enterprise, ability to adapt. Return to routine (after vacation), hectic activity and life situation. Two of Pentacles is not a gloomy card at all.

Her gift and lesson is the ability to enjoy life under any circumstances, to perceive what is happening philosophically, without thoughtful blues, to look at everything through the fingers, without getting close to a heart.

2 of Pentacles

The card shows a cheerful person with no signs of dejection, who plays with life’s difficulties (“fool around”). The art of living as one lives, and let everything go.

Looking at a person of the Two of Pentacles, sometimes you experience a mixture of dependence and bewilderment – how does he manage?

A surge of strength, energy, fun, liveliness, cheerfulness, lightness of heart. Maybe carelessness – we bald to the tune of our desires, but we enjoy life.

On a Deeper Level

The ability to balance, to keep the system in dynamic balance (close to Temperance , but without that peace).

At a high level – a wise ability to recognize changing cycles in time and act in accordance with them. Understanding that ups are followed by downs,, and this is natural. CYCLE is one of the keywords of the Two of Pentacles.

There is something in common with the Wheel of Fortune, although it is more superficial and emphasizes polarity more clearly.

2 of Pentacles

Here comes the art of playing and synchronizing with change, making practical use of every turn of events. Anyone who has managed to understand the cyclical nature of all life phenomena, from the weather to love, adapts to its vicissitudes without dramatizing anything, and endures its ups and downs without unnecessary worries.

The lesson of the Two of Pentacles is balance between the material and the spiritual which it is unrealistic and useless to “choose” because material and spiritual are interconnected. These are two perfectly balanced sides of existence, between which there is a constant energy exchange, there is tension and attraction.

In the Arcana, this exchange is signified by the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity, linking the two poles with mutually binding relations of balance and transformation.

The Two of Pentacles is dialectical to the highest degree – it clearly demonstrates the unity and struggle (or rather, the game!) of opposites, and makes it meaningless to pose the question like “What came first – the chicken or the egg? What is more important – the body or the soul? What is more valuable in the psyche – consciousness or the unconscious? and so on.

2 of Pentacles

Existence was divided in two for the sake of development, created a double helix. The search for the opposite, complementary, hidden side of any phenomenon, the recognition of its importance, value and necessity, the understanding of the senselessness of its belittling and denial – this is the lesson of the Two of Pentacles.

The Two of Pentacles reminds us that a person is able to adapt to almost any circumstances, and in our life there are always different opportunities for development and change. It is limited only by the flexibility of our thinking.

Jupiter causes purposeful Capricorn to expand and spread out.

Astrological correspondences: the aspect of opposition.

Dual Chiron.

Gemini (and partly Libra), Mercury, III house.

Moon on the ascendant as a sign of high adaptability.

Partly – the squares of the Moon (capriciousness, instability).

First decade of Taurus. Jupiter in Capricorn.

Harmonious vibrations of two poles. Flexibility. Parity of forces in the game.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: “We must live playfully.” The Two of Pentacles suggests do to be too hard on anything, and see the bright side of what is happening and to live wisely.

2 of Pentacles also advises to pay attention to opposite plus of the situation, which is not given due attention.

Warning: no fuss. Whatever is done in a state of haste and agitation will not improve the situation. You need to pause and focus, then there is a chance to find a reasonable solution to the issue.

Do not try to solve all the problems at once, overloading to a short circuit. Inconsistency and uncertainty only lead to a waste of energy.

As a warning, the Two of Pentacles can also indicate a lack of one’s point of view, the habit of toadying, spinelessness, weather vane syndrome – where it blew, it turned. Conflicting interests.

2 of Pentacles also reminds you that by endlessly juggling forces in the game, you will not get any other solution – this juggling will continue.

Professional Situation

A very typical scenario of 2 of Pentacles is two jobs, two employers, two sources of income, or two projects that have to be run at the same time. And sometimes – twenty-two … Again – it is either unrealistic or useless to choose, they are combined.

The need for maneuvering. Dexterity in doing business, the ability to cope with multiple responsibilities. Constant time pressure and fuss.

Natural difficulties at the beginning of new projects – preoccupation, running around, chores, letters, contacts.

There are negotiations, contracts, agreements, paperwork, mutual settlements.

Juggling with some kind of power. Simultaneously doing a lot of things and solving a lot of problems.

The inconsistency of the Two of Pentacles affects what internal and external effects it causes. Internally, it gives a surge of strength and freedom from unnecessary worries. But outwardly, it causes fuss, small obstacles that cause annoyance (like a constantly ringing phone), and this often distracts attention.

2 of Pentacles symbolizes harmonious changes that bring benefits – the opportunity to get an additional job, combining two positions.

The balance between the current works and the goals of the future is emphasized.

Surrounded by negative cards – 2 of Pentacles gives difficulties in continuing the work begun, inconsistency and a lack of resources.

The card indicates a frivolous pastime in the company of colleagues at work.

2 of Pentacles could say about work that is done effortlessly.

Good luck in business, partnership, cooperation, business alliance.

Financial Situation

Two of Pentacles is a joyful sign for a person that some penny will fall.

Market fluctuations.

Instability and precariousness are present, while the balance is maintained.

The ability to live on relatively little money with ease. Financial receipts are small, but regular. You should have enough for everything.

Rented apartments are typical, which change frequently and without any problems.

Receive good news related to finances.

Personal Relations

In love, it often indicates a lack of stability and deep feelings.

A person does not care what decision to make, because it does not affect his heart much, somewhere deep down he is only an observer.

He tries his options: if it works out – good, if it doesn’t work out – that’s okay too.

The Two of Pentacles is an indicator of friendship, and it brings to the relationship sociability, spontaneity and a certain efficiency.

Sometimes 2 of Pentacles means manoeuvring between two partners. In combination with the Seven of Swords, this is a situation of systematic betrayal. There are two very important people at the same time. They simply are present in life. It is either useless or unrealistic to choose, and there is some kind of balance in this situation.

Sometimes it’s maneuvering between two kids or building bridges between two family cliques.

And with the opposition of the I and VII houses in the horoscope, the problem can take on a different form! And throwing occurs mainly between a partner and oneself. It’s too close together, but boring apart … but the ship is sailing again, adaptation is taking place.

Another striking image of the Two of Pentacles is a swing (or pendulum). As it has gone, so it will return, according to the laws of nature. There is a constant play of forces, and the surrounding cards can suggest what kind of forces are and to what extent this game is harmless.

Two of Pentacles gives adjustment to the partner and balance of the poles.

Astrologically speaking, it becomes an indicator of a well-developed opposition. Partners retain all their seemingly irreconcilable properties, “water and stone, ice and fire”, and form a very stable structure.

The Two of Pentacles is a playful card, it carries an excitement and flirting. If it does not work out – they laughed and bang!

An interesting meaning of the Two of Pentacles is also that partners periodically change roles.


Cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy, healing from depression. Some kind of dynamic balance.

In the case of a chronic illness, exacerbations are replaced by remissions, sometimes worse, sometimes better, and this does not prevent a person from living a quality life.

Reversed 2 of Pentacles

Reversed 2 of Pentacles suggests that a conflict of interests is aggravated, the pressure of the situation is growing and it becomes very difficult to keep everything under control.

In the depths of a soul, a person dreams of peace and that all drama is over.

A person feels weakness, lethargy, lack of energy, fear of the upcoming tasks.

A situation is at a standstill, and a person is lying on the couch or aimlessly hanging out on the Internet, unable to start.

Now it is not the right time to conclude business agreements.

Bureaucracy, delays.

A snowball of information falls on you for which there is no time to process. Confusing and contradictory data, a “broken” computer (the nightmare of a graduate student).

In general, this card hints that it is time to break the habit of making the same mistakes.

Dissatisfaction with what is happening is disguised as a relaxed and joyful mood. The need to put a good face on a bad game, a bluff. Speculation with information.

Financial problems, the inability to make ends meet, the compulsion to repay debts.

In a positive interpretation, 2 of Pentacles has something to do with the written word – a letter, a message, literary abilities. Sending official messages or advertisements.

Now it is better to stay where you are without changing anything, because the changes are likely to be unfavorable.

In Combination with Other Cards:

With the Hierophant – work according to plan, adherence to conventions, elimination of chaos

With Temperance – balance, found harmony

With the Devil – activity, inspiration and enthusiasm, however, perhaps from the series “obsession with a petty demon”, but in general the card is considered to be positive.

With the Four of Wands – joy, inspiration, celebration

With the Five of Wands – disharmony, discord

With the Three of Cups – a good sign

With the Four of Swords – low activity, the card weakens the action of the Two of Pentacles.

With the Six of Swords – apathy, depression

With Ten of Swords – a solemn feast

With the King of Pentacles – a bad sign

Reversed with the Hermit or Two of Swords – the need for rest, peace, detachment.


A snake biting her own tail, a symbol of knowledge and eternity.

Mandala “Yin-Yang”.

Alister Crowley 2 of Pentacles

2 of Pentacles

The interpretation of the Two of Pentacles card corresponds to its name. It indicates changes in the area that is being dealt with. They can be of a different nature and degree, but usually the card indicates very serious changes. In a general sense, it is neutral, although with a slight positive bias. You can count on changes for the better, but not too fast.

On the card we see two pentacles in the form of Chinese symbols of yin and yang. The circles inside the symbols are represented by the signs of the four elements. The pentacle is wrapped around a crowned serpent holding its own tail in its mouth. The body of the serpent forms the sign of infinity. The background of the card is shades of purple and pink. Crowley himself writes about this Arcana as follows: “In essence, this card can be considered as an image of the entire manifested Universe in its dynamic aspect.”

The main meaning of the 2 of Pentacles is a constant process of change, dynamics, movement, interchange, diversity, transformation. It is a “great cycle”. Crowley said that the snake, curled up in an endless ribbon, reminds us that having reached the very bottom, a person again finds himself at the top, and this process continues again and again.

To understand what kind of shadow this Arcana can have, let’s think about what conditionally “bad” or “unpleasant” changes can carry.

In my opinion, everything is pretty clear here: constant change is instability, and people appreciate a stable position. Therefore, we can say that the shadow side of the card is the loss of balance, the loss of immutability, inconstancy.

All things and phenomena have two sides. When we stop dividing the world into “black” and “white”, and understand that any situation, process, phenomenon always has a “front” and “back” side. Without darkness there will be no light, without night there will be no day, without evil there will be no good, and so on.

The card may seem pleasant for those who love the dynamic development of events, and vice versa, terrible for all connoisseurs of stability, security, and peace.

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