Easter Traditions, Magic and Celebration

Easter Sunday will fall on 9TH APRIL 2023 for Catholic and Protestant churches, and on 16TH APRIL 2023 for Orthodox churches.

If the full Moon occurs on the same day as the spring equinox, Easter is observed on the subsequent Sunday.

Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate family, create lifelong memories, and build on those traditions.

Plant an Easter Garden

continue to celebrate the arrival of the spring. Brighten your yard with an array of blooming plants.

Flowers of Easter are Crocus, violets, daffodils, forsythia, tulips, clover

Decorate an Easter Egg Tree

Get plastic eggs and decorations. Attach a matching colored ribbon to each egg and hang from a live or artificial tree.

It’s a similar tradition to have an Easter Tree like Christmas Tree.

Cooking and Baking

Wear the curtesy apron and get your mixing bowls ready. Bunny, chick, hearts, and egg-shaped cookies are perfect shakes for your cookies. Use icing, coconut, and candies for decorations. Fill your kitchen with spicy, sweet and fruity aromas.

And Easter cake was always baked from yeast dough, high and round. The top of the cake can be decorated with the image of a cross. It is believed that if Easter bread is a success, then everything will be fine in the family.

When eating, the Easter cake is cut not lengthwise, but across, keeping the top intact to cover the rest of the Easter cake.

Easter dishes

Delicious Easter ham.

Easter ham is also one of the traditional Easter dishes; for believers, it can symbolize the flesh of Jesus Christ. To cook smoked ham, they often use water blessed in the church on Holy Saturday. This dish is served for Easter breakfast, on Sunday mornings.

Easter Horseradish.

Horseradish is another traditional Easter dish; it can be taken as a symbolic reminder of the nails with which Jesus was crucified. The spicy seasoning goes great with all other Easter treats like ham and hard boiled eggs.

On Pure Thursday, oatmeal jelly was cooked to “appease” the frost. In some places it was kept until Sunday, and on Easter it was eaten even before Easter cake. A lot of food was prepared for the festive table, baked lamb, ham, fried veal.

Decorate Easter Eggs

Decorate eggs with glitter, paint, and stickers and use put eggs in Easter baskets around the house.

On Passion Week, on Maundy Thursday, it is customary to paint eggs.

Easter Meditation

Thursday is called Pure, because on this day all Orthodox processes are cleansed and thoughts, take communion in the temple, dedicate this day to getting the house in order. There is a tradition on this day to wash the window.

Hand made flowers

Easter cakes are decorated with homemade flowers. Making flowers for the holiday, like painting eggs, was once a fascinating tradition. Children and adults cut out flowers from bright colored papers and decorated the table, icons, and the house. All candles, chandeliers and lamps were lit in the houses.

Shell Crack Game

Each person gets his own hard-boiled Easter egg and pairs up with one other participant. The contest is to have each pair smash the small ends of their eggs together. The person with the unbroken shell advances to the next round where they pair up and do it again. The one who has the last uncracked egg wins.

Treats for the Easter Bunny

Put carrots and water out before bedtime for your Easter Bunny. It’s similar like you have treats for Santa Clause on Christmas.

New Easter Clothes

Having new clothes for Easter is deeply rooted in European customs. Wearing a brand new outfit for Easter Sunday has become one of the most commonly celebrated traditions for families. 

Orthodox Easter has Red Color

Easter fortune telling for an unmarried girl

Take the wedding ring, salt, bread and sugar. Get together with your girlfriends (there may be married women in your company).

Blindfold a girl who is in search of a betrothed. Everyone else must take the ring, salt, bread and sugar. Then place them all in different corners of the room.

After that, the girl, who is blindfolded, takes an egg dyed and necessarily consecrated in the church, spins it in the center of the room and pushes it in the direction that her heart tells her. At the end, you need to see where the egg stops.

Divination interpretation:

If the egg stops closer to the bread, then she will have wealthy fans, a rich husband and a prosperous life.

If the egg rolled up to the salt, then the girl should be more careful in choosing the groom, not be fooled by external gloss and beautiful words. Otherwise, she risks marrying a windbag.

If the egg rolled closer to sugar, then a calm family life awaits her without storms and upheavals.

If the egg was closest to the ring, then in the near future a marriage proposal awaits her.

Fortune telling on Easter cake on Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, when you knead the dough for holiday pies and Easter cakes and when you start to divide it into portions, guess for each cake the name of a family member whose future you want to know. Then put them in the oven or oven. When the cakes are baked, take them out and look at the result. But the way they turned out, find out the future.

Divination interpretation:

Kulich turned out to be even, neat, which means that your loved one will have success and good luck in the coming year.

Kulich came out slanted, cracked – your loved one is expected to lose, trouble or even illness. He needs to be more careful to avoid problems.

Easter fortune telling

When you break the fast with Easter cakes, do not eat the last piece. Take it with you and go where there are a lot of birds. On the way, make the most cherished wish, imagine it in all details – this is very important. Break up the cake and throw it to the birds. And then watch the birds and see what is left of the Easter cake.

If the birds flew into the crumbs and pecked everything at once, the wish will definitely come true, and even better than they thought.

If the birds are reluctant to peck crumbs, then you need to make an effort or ask for help from loved ones so that the wish comes true.

If the birds did not touch the treat, then you need to either reformulate the desire, or make a new one, because the current one is not destined to come true.

Easter money divination

In the bag, put a handful of large cereals, such as barley. Put a few coins of different denominations in there. Shake the bag well and place it under your mattress overnight. In the morning, without looking, grab a handful from the bag and see the result.


They took only cereals without a single coin – expect debts. However, count the cereal. If the number is even, you will quickly cope with financial difficulties. If it’s odd, get ready to tighten your belts.

We scooped up cereal along with a large denomination coin – a successful and profitable year awaits you.

They took a small coin – you should not expect much success and huge wealth, however, no serious troubles either.

They took both small and large coins equally – you will have a chance to significantly improve your financial condition. You will be offered either a profitable job or career growth. Do not miss your chance!

Money ritual for Easter

Easter is one of the most energetic days of the year. Whatever you say, whatever you wish, everything will surely come true. Sincerely wish your loved ones all that you lack, and be sure that your wishes will come true for you too! However, in order for your request to be exactly fulfilled, you must definitely pray for those who offended you or hurt you. And if you want to avoid money problems all year, on the eve of the holiday (on the night from Saturday to Sunday), put a large bill under the tray where Easter eggs lie. Cross the Easter eggs and say three times:

“The Feast of Christ is coming, and wealth is coming. Whoever eats an Easter egg will forget a hundred and twelve troubles, he will bathe in money, pour gold, live for the Lord God and praise Him every day. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen”.

Be sure to knock eggs with family members and exchange eggs with your closest ones, and put a piece of the shell in your wallet.

Be sure to knock eggs with family members and exchange eggs with your closest ones, and put a piece of the shell in your wallet.

Easter magic for love

Since Easter is a celebration of divine and human love, light and goodness, this time is very favorable for love magic. Easter magic for love is very powerful and, as a rule, never have dangerous consequences. However, Easter, like no other day, requires people to be pure in their thoughts, to reject everything evil and sinful. Therefore, you can do love magic on Easter only with a pure heart and good intentions. A person who on this day is trying to bewitch someone in order to take revenge, laugh or get material gain, runs the risk that his magic will turn against him. If you are quite sure of the sincerity of your feelings and good intentions – act boldly! When kneading the dough for Easter cake, say this:

“I am beautiful, I am handsome, I look like a slender birch.
I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.
I am promised to you alone, together we will be bequeathed by heaven.

When the cake is ready, kiss it gently and say quietly:

“Give my betrothed a kiss, promise happiness to be with me.
He will be saturated with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.

Treat your loved one with this cake and, if possible, make sure that he tastes it first. If you do everything right and with the right mood, the action of this magic will provide with the opportunity to live with a lower in harmony all your life.

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