Kyanite Blue like a Sky

Magical properties

Kyanite has long been attributed magical properties of extraordinary power. People believe that kyanite is able to return its owner to the path of chastity. Kyanite has incredible power, capable of curbing the desires of the most notorious womanizer and returning him to the bosom of the family hearth, while making him a model of chastity and modesty.

The main advantage of kyanite is the concentration of energy and its direction towards the implementation of a specific goal, without being scattered over trifles. Its main support is the decency of the owner, and the stone will in every possible way protect a kind and trusting person, enabling him to avoid situations associated with deceit and lies, including in the financial sector.

The owner of the stone significantly improves memory and speeds up the work of the brain, at the same time, it brings calm to the nervous system, relieving stressful situations and their consequences, improves sleep and makes awakening joyful.

Kyanos means “blue” in Greek. In psychology, there is an established opinion that it is the blue color that most strongly affects the human psyche, calming it, since it gives rise to the brightest associations with the bottomless sky, the water surface, which is a symbol of life itself.

The magical use of kyanite
A blue stone can decorate the north (if you are interested in career success ), the east (if you are more interested in family well-being, health) or the southeast (if you want to get rich).

But the minerals of warmer shades are ideal for decorating the southwestern sector and will help to establish love relationships, marriage.

magicians call kyanite an endless source of energy. This stone is often used in powerful rituals.

In ancient times, kyanite was used as a charm. It was believed that kyanite is able to protect from evil thoughts, the evil eye and misfortunes. The stone is especially popular among travelers to avoid difficulties on the way and choose the right path.

Also, the magical properties of the mineral include:

Attraction of good luck

The owners of kyanite attract profitable decisions, successful deals into their lives;
Improving communications – the stone helps to establish the necessary and useful connections;

Financial protection

kyanite protects businessmen from wrong decisions that can lead to loss of money;


the stone helps to concentrate on the important thing at the moment;

Truthfulness and fidelity –

Kyanite helps to maintain fidelity.

Favorably, kyanite also affects the psychological state. In moments of anger, kyanite helps to find emotional balance and make the right decision. Kyanite also extinguishes anger, relieves tension.

Another interesting effect of kyanite is sobriety and honesty. It is believed that the stone makes you tell the truth, and also allows you to take a sober look at your opportunities and risks.

The magical effect of kyanite on the lives of men and women is slightly different.

So, for men, the stone helps to gain wealth faster. It also has a positive effect on self-confidence. Kyanite increases self-esteem, makes its owner more noble.

For women, the stone acts a little differently. For women, kyanite is, first of all, a symbol of chastity and modesty. The mineral helps women in finding inner harmony, tranquility. It also protects against malevolent and insidious men, promotes the right choice of a partner.

Kyanite compatibility with zodiac signs

From an astrological point of view, kyanite is an energetically neutral stone. His planet is Jupiter. Elements – Water and Earth.

Gemini ++

Helps to focus on important things, find the right solution, improve financial situation and organization.

Sagittarius ++

Promotes the acquisition of inner harmony and tranquility, increases self-confidence, increases a willpower .

Cancer +

Reduces impressionability, forms an easy attitude to problems, stabilizes the emotional state.

Libra +

Helps to make the right decisions, protects from doubt.

Pisces +

Increases self-confidence, allows you to reveal feelings.

Aries +

Helps to quickly move up the career ladder, reduces outbursts of anger.

Taurus +

Promotes financial well-being, improves creativity

Leo +

Allows you to become more reasonable, calm, promotes rational decision-making.

Kyanite allows you to look deep inside yourself, stop being a victim and finally take control into your own hands. The stone cleanses the chakras and increases psychic abilities, opens the gift of telepathy. The mineral maintains a spiritual connection with the earth, cleansing from negative energy. It destroys illusions and leads to the right path.

Color Variety OF Kyanite

Stones are distinguished by colors, while only 4 types of kyanite have healing properties:

Blue Kyanite

Blue kyanite sings at a high vibration and is directly connected to the throat chakra – the chakra that is responsible for the ability to convey the truth to the world.

Green Kyanite

Green kyanite is associated with the heart chakra. This stone allows you to move with the flow and gives its owner peace and love.

Black Kyanite

Black kyanite is connected to the base chakra, which is responsible for the feeling of security. This mineral grounds, eliminating energy imbalances.

Orange Kyanite

Orange kyanite connects you to the sacral chakra and awakens creativity. Orange kyanite can heal old spiritual wounds and give strength to realize any dream.

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