SEVEN OF WANDS – Lord of Valor and Courage – SELF-AFFIRMATION – “Flawless Fight”

Seven of Wands is a favorable card if you are ready to fight and protect your interest.

Seven of Wands speaks of a collision with adverse influences, – for example, someone’s ill will. Seven of Wands promises success in the struggle, achieved by courage and determination.

Seven of Wands heralds “troubles. You face a difficult situation, perhaps someone’s interference in your personal affairs, a “campaign to counter”, an attempt to deprive you of something or prevent you from achieving something. Someone “forces” you to defend your positions and your territory. Maybe someone is jealous, offended, or encroaching on something that belongs to you.

Seven of Wands warns of a worsening situation, of the presence of difficulties, opponents and competitors, but gives brilliant chances of victory.

Seven of Wands clearly communicates that the advantage is on your side. Seven of Wands calls us to stand up for what we believe in and what we consider valuable. Seven of Wands advises that in order to win you shall not betray your principles. You can win a hopeless case.

Seven of Wands is a card of perseverance in adversity, challenge to battle and overcome obstacles, firmness, courage and victory.

Seven of Wands

Look at Seven of Wands and you can see that a man holds a wand, as if defending himself, he stands on the edge of the pit, from which six more wands rise towards him – it seems that they are being held by enemies ready to attack.

But the hole is deep and they can’t get out of it. Either way, they can’t hurt him. This card says that in principle there is a danger, and it is quite real, but in this particular case, nothing threatens you, so act more boldly. In a reversed seven of wands, the forecast is rather negative (enemies will crawl out of the pit and beat).

Traditional meaning:

dispute, scandal, debate, discussion, gossip, rumor … in a word, showdowns of all kinds, but usually the questioner wins. His arguments are stronger and the position is more advantageous. Modern interpretations emphasize the fact that in order to achieve goals and implement ideas, you will have to sweat a lot.

You will benefit from the complex situation, everything will turn out in your favor.

In Filadoro we read: “Important and interesting situations are coming! Solving these problems forces us to transcend ourselves with renewed vigor.”

It is important to understand that the Seven of Wands in indicates not so much the problem as the RESOURCE. Guggenheim writes: “The card reflects an enduring determination, thanks to which a predicted defeat can turn into a brilliant triumph.”

Seven of Wands indicate moving forward success. Now is the right time for a risky game, you can count on luck. Overcoming doubts and obstacles, including internal ones, also ending competition and winning is expected.

The Seven of Wands in the spread is a sign of upcoming difficulties that bring a lot of interesting things to life and lead to a general improvement in the situation, unless other cards contradict this.

Occasionally, Seven of Wands talks about a physical attack.

If the question is about a group of people and not about an individual, then the direct Seven of Wands can indicate injuries and victims of abuse.

Personal Feelings – Never Give Up

The Seven of Wands brings courage, determination, willingness to enter into conflict, self-confidence and success. This card always emphasizes self-righteousness. Sometimes even one warrior can win – it all depends on the characteristics of the field.

The person of the Seven of Wands resists the outside world in one way or another. This can be the defense of one’s ideas in skirmishes with opponents, sports competitions, or the end of relations. He copes with rivalry, confrontation and other problems with the help of perseverance and self-control.

He has a good sense of his abilities – mentally, physically, financially, professionally, or some other.

It happens that he deliberately surrounds himself with people with a lower level of development in order to feel more confident (in the manner of well-known dictators, who, by definition, did not tolerate close associates with a more developed intellect).

It happens that a person of the Seven of Wands denies spiritual values and prefers to rely entirely on his skill, ingenuity, combat skills and other elements of the lower will.

Seven of Wands person to the extreme does not like to yield to others in anything and prefers to leave the last word for himself under any circumstances ( Watson says about Sherlock: “Yes, he will outlive God, if only the last word is left to him!”). Seven of Wands is stubborn and does not intend to give up its positions.

This is a master of “putting out fires” caused by his own shortsightedness.

He likes to compete, risk, encounter difficulties and fight. His big plus is courage. This person will not be taken aback in the face of danger. He is also not afraid to argue and speak up his mind.

A person of the Seven of Wands sweeps away everything in his path. At the same time, he is capable of self-overcoming, dedication and heroism. It’s almost impossible to intimidate him. Such a person is the nightmare for any dictator.

On a Deeper Level

Astrological Correspondence

Sun in Tenth House, Sun in Libra, Mars in Leo

Mercury/Mars in aspect to Saturn

as the personification of dexterity, conquering strength.

The third decade of Libra, according to other interpretations – the third decade of Leo. The card is closely associated with the sign of Libra and Venus.


Seven of Wands describes the difficult, lonely journey of ascension, done with great confidence and strength. The one who makes it is a pioneer, not an exile, and climbs to the top. He rises above what is left below. This is a struggle against the dominance of lower aspirations – you just need quick actions and courage.

Seven of Clubs

You have the courage to follow the impulse and act with all your might. There is no turning back, and if you stumble, then death awaits you. “Symbol of treasure” is your inner power .

The third decade of Leo symbolizes courage, responsibility and the ability to work hard for the chosen goal. Achieving energy balance gives the necessary amount of strength to achieve any goal. The rulers of this decade are Mars and Pluto that speaks about your leadership qualities and ability to mobilize others to work for the sake of common goals.

Seven of Wands

Pluto demands exactingness. The leader tends to make excessive demands on people.

Mars in Leo symbolizes the courage of a warrior in the face of superior forces. On a subtle level, this card is a symbol of prayer work, “prayer wrestling” and all kinds of astral battles with demons (exorcism).

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Tip: fight and don’t give up. Stand up for oneself. Let go of doubts and hesitations. Bravely brothers for the cause, even if it seems almost hopeless. Do not retreat from your position in matters of principle, wage a righteous struggle.

Work hard to achieve your goals, despite fears, disappointments and obstacles. Stick to the chosen strategy and remain convinced that you are right, even if the majority does not support you.

Seven of Wands may indicate the right time for a risky game (including money). Seven of Wands advises to gather strength and uncompromisingly go to the end through all the trials.

Warning: clearly not the time for quarrels. The wrong choice of priorities and the wrong sequence of actions are dangerous.

The feeling of superiority in a situation can be deceiving. Perhaps it makes sense to give in to others in some way. The time and energy that goes into confrontation and struggle could be spent on much more productive things.


Seven of Wands represents individual projects where a relatively small group of people have to solve all problems on their own.

Systematic activity, readiness to overcome obstacles, implementation of plans, self-confidence.

This is a card of victory, social success, moving forward despite obstacles; creativity and inspiration.

At the same time, this card can signal the development of professional skills in a particular art form.

On the Seven of Wands, you can take part in competitions or defend your point of view during public debate. It corresponds to the situation of negotiations, conferences, academic defenses, meetings and symposiums.

Winning the competition. Success achieved by courage.

This card promises promotion, successful career advancement.

Sometimes your reputation is attacked and you need to protect the reputation, to resist speculation and gossip in the team, to deal with intrigue. You have every chance to defend himself, his business and his place under the sun.

Seven of Wands also is associated with a passion for magic and an indication of professional activities related to the occult.


This is a profit and benefit card, traditionally corresponding to trade, commerce. In some ancient interpretations, this card is called the “symbol of treasure.” In order to make a profit, you will have to make a lot of effort. But with careful planning of your actions, everything will work out, although the income, most likely, will not be particularly large.

Personal Relations

Seven of Wands indicates a difficult period of desperate struggle for a relationship that is threatened by something and that needs to be “saved”. There is a kind of duel (although most likely implicit). The person feels in trouble, but knows that he has a chance and will do everything to avert the threat of a break. A clear understanding of the advantages of one’s position are usually exacerbated.

The person uses all his strength to protect love that is in clear danger. He intends to defend his positions, his right and his interests, and is in high tension. He feels anxiety.

The Seven of Wands may mean that relationship has been “attacked” in one form or another (it can be envious people, parents, rivals, and so on), however, this card shows a good chance of “repelling the attack” .

The person described by the Seven of Wands is uncompromising and stubborn, compromises are not his thing, he wants to insist on his own knowledge in everything.

Seven of Wands is not the best card for for a harmonious relationship.

Seven of Wands person can be angry, authoritarian and assertive to the point of recklessness. He will pluck the feathers from

Hos rivals and opponents. Sometimes the Seven of Wands describes strong pressure from the partner (or – on him).

Falling out to a lonely person, the Seven of Wands can means that a person is the “smith of his own happiness” – he diligently defends himself from any potential partners and, out of principle, refuses to enter into close relationships, being in voluntary isolation. Usually no attempts to pull a person out of his self-sufficiency are “considered in any way”.

This is a sole proprietor who is accustomed to always and in everything rely only on his own strength and consciously “cleansing” his living space from intrusions.

This is a “pro” to say “no” and sit on the defensive. He views his partners whether as unworthy or potentially life-threatening. What is the reason, other cards can tell. If a person was once went via a hell of experiences, it is not surprising that he defends himself.

This card of fighting for oneself, defending one’s boundaries and resisting external influences falls to people who resist marriage (the Four of Pentacles in this case will be especially revealing).

If Seven of Wands shows up in a spread of a married person, means, he will show stamina, fighting off temptations (in a presence of the Devil in the spread). If such influences are not traced, then Seven of Wands means there is a lack of love and harmony within the couple.


The body is subjected to some kind of strength test, but successfully resists disease-causing factors.

This is a card of good immunity.

But in the reversed position, Seven of Wand mean the exact opposite. This could be hormonal and endocrine disorders, and obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Reversed 7 of Wands

There are different interpretations of the reversed Seven of Wands.

Some argue that this is not the time to philosophize, one must act. It is better bad than nothing. Even the wrong actions are better than their absence.

Uncertainty, incompetence, doubts, suspicion and hesitation (as well as frivolity and carelessness) cause losses (including monetary ones).

Confusion and chaos – including in matters of love – chaise you.

Don’t lose of you chance due to hesitation and indecision.

Lack of faith in yourself. We find ourselves unable to resist the pressure of other people.

Other interpretation of a reversed Seven of wands:

Seven of Wands card carelessness, unwillingness to focus too much on one particular problem, avoiding everything gloomy and dull.

Super-enhanced activity, but hard work does not give the desired result.

Seven of Wands indicates uncertainty, a precarious position. Dispersion of forces, inability to choose the right strategy and prioritize. Lack of penetration power.

A person who is confused, he lost the right direction, and does not feel the ground under his feet. He no longer believes in what he is doing. Seven of Wands can also symbolize a lack of inspiration, wasted energy and talents that are misused, or simply failure in all efforts.

The conflict of interest is fading away, the confrontation is weakening.

An interesting ancient meaning of the card is an awkward situation, an unwanted meeting, forced contacts. Passive-aggressive behavior. Position of the victim, fear, confusion. Facing slander, harassment or betrayal.

The advice of Reversed Seven of Wands to eliminate aggression, especially when it comes to relationships.

Combination with other cards:

With Priestess – hidden aggressiveness

With the Hierophant – it is traditionally believed that this combination speaks of matchmaking and marriage

With the Hanged Man – defiant behavior, the role of the opposition in society

With the Moon – concealment of intentions

With the Five of Wands – strengthening the meaning of battle, confrontation

With the Nine of Wands – defending one’s position

With the Five of Swords – opposing yourself to everyone

With the Two of Pentacles – inciting discord

With the Three of Pentacles – big disagreements

Reversed to the right of the Three of Cups – a fire (from an old interpreter).

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