Summer Solstice: how to make wishes and perform rituals

The summer solstice is the most energetic day of the year. The sun represents our ego and self-esteem. In the horoscope of any person, it is a symbol of “I”. This day is ideal for making wishes on a conscious level. There is a high potential for your desires to come true.

But it is necessary to pronounce desires and perform the necessary rituals correctly.

Since ancient times, the solstice has been considered a time when the energies of all the elements – fire, earth, air and water – gather together. On this day, nature has a special magical power.

To tune in to the energy of this day, it is important putting on clothes of “sunny” shades – yellow, orange, red or pink. Special attention should be paid to jewellery ánd decorations.

The Sun symbolizes gold. Therefore, on this day, you should definitely wear jewelry made of this precious metal. It is better if it is something that you wear all the time. For example, rings, earrings or a bracelet with “solar” stones – garnet, ruby and amber. Rose quartz is ideal for single women. This stone will help you find your betrothed in the next six months.

Before putting on jewelry, you should perform a simple ritual – charge the jewelry with the energy of the sun. Despite the fact that the Summer Solstice begins on June 21, the peak of the Sun’s energy will be on the next day. Therefore, it is better to “recharge” the selected talismans on the night of June 22.

“In the evening, put the jewelry in a place that will be illuminated by the sun’s rays at sunrise. When you wake up, first of all, thank the Sun for life and everything that brings you joy, and then ask him for support through a talisman. Then you can put on a jewelry charged with positive energy.

The summer solstice is a great time to perform a ritual to clear negative energy and protect your home.

The practice of cleansing the living space should be carried out using “solar” candles – yellow, red or “golden” color. First, with a lit candle, you need to go around the apartment clockwise, starting from the front door. After making a circle, thank the fire for clearing this room. Next, you need to go counterclockwise, pronouncing your innermost desires. You can ask for protection for your home. All desires should be only positive. Saying the phrase: “I want there to be no quarrels” is wrong. Replace this phrase with: “I want my home to be calm, comfortable. To have money and love in the house”

Wormwood will help clear the room of negative energy. Also protective herbs include St. John’s wort, anise and honeysuckle. Wrap Yule herbs in a red cloth and put them in any secluded place in the house.

What dishes to cook today

So, the apartment is put in order.

What is customary to cook for the solstice? Everything is very simple. On this significant day, all round-shaped dishes are welcome. Ideal options are pancakes and Charlotte pie with red or yellow apples.

There is a belief that if you treat your loved one or someone you like with such a dish on Solstice Day, then this will only benefit the relationship.

On this day it is better to eat at the round table. If this is not possible, then you can arrange the dishes so that a circle forms. It is also important to spend this day with your family.

nature and love

From time immemorial, the summer solstice was considered a real holiday and embodied fertility, abundance, generosity, happiness and fullness of life. The spirits of all four elements rejoice and have fun with people on this day, so try to spend the whole day in nature. In the evening, a fire is lit, because the element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself.

On this holiday, it is customary to go to nature, closer to the water. If possible, then near the reservoir you need to kindle a fire from dry branches and leaves or paper on which nothing is written. And then jump over it to clear your aura.

Ritual bathing, wreaths of flowers, as well as dances around the fire – all these elements, without which the Solstice is unthinkable.

Herbs at this time are gaining a lot of energy, so you can weave a wreath out of them. It is especially good if you manage to weave fern, Ivan da Maryu grass, mint, chamomile, thyme or wormwood into it.

During weaving, you need to formulate desires in such a positive way, as if they have already come true. In the present moment, without the particle “not” and the past tense. After that, you need to walk in a wreath for some time and either save it until the next solstice, or send it by water. If it is not possible to weave a wreath, then you can buy or collect wildflowers in yellow, red and orange shades and put them at home.

There used to be a belief that if a man pours water on a girl on this day, then soon they can form a lasting union. Therefore, for couples who are in a relationship, I recommend taking a candlelit shower or bath together. You shouldn’t drink alcohol on this day, but you can make your own berry juice

Also, the period from June 21 to 23 is perfect for creating or supplementing a wish card. When choosing images that fit your dreams, you should think only about the good. Skepticism and negative thoughts must be eliminated.

nodular magic

To do this, you need a bright ribbon and 10 beads, you can use any color. The scheme for creating jewelry is simple: knot-bead-knot. Stringing each bead, you need to make a wish (for each bead – your desire or one – for a whole piece of jewelry).

“This ribbon cannot be worn as a bracelet, and must be straight. You can hang it at the door, at the head of the bed or put it in your wallet.

the main essence of the solstice is that people learn to enjoy life and love it. It helps to open the heart and feel happiness.

Summer Solstice Traditions

One of the most important rituals was associated with meeting the dawn. If you find the strength in yourself to wake up before sunrise and go to meet the luminary appearing from behind the horizon, then it will fill you with health, strength and save you from misfortunes for a whole year.

Then the dew was collected. Then the morning moisture was poured into a separate vessel and washed, as it had healing and rejuvenating properties. On the day of the solstice, all water became special and endowed with magical powers.

By the way, if you pour water on the girl you like during the longest day of the year, then you will soon have to wait for the wedding. At least our ancestors were sure of it. Another tradition: if an unmarried girl dances around nine fires on the night of the solstice, she will soon find family happiness.

If you have a dream or a cherished desire, then the solstice day is perfect to make it. If the process of fulfilling the dream needs to be accelerated, then our ancestors advised climbing over 12 fences. So, within a year, the dream will come true.

You can use the magic of the day and tell fortunes. For example on maps. The energy of the solstice lifts the veil of mystery over the future.

Be sure to light a fire, even a small one. So the Sun will see respect and show favor.

collect medicinal herbs and cook natural “cosmetics” from them.

a sprig of the Ivan-da-Marya plant shall be hung over the entrance to the dwelling so that family well-being would not leave the house.

broadcast nettles through the window and pulled a white thread at the threshold to block the path of evil spirits.

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