Three of Pentacles – Lord of Material Actions – a Good Job

The 3 of Pentacles provides a steady progress in the implementation of ideas. Things will go uphill, they will start spinning on their own. Presence of 3 of Pentacles in the spread suggests that ideas materialize, plans and dreams come true, and this happens thanks to the efforts of the person himself.

This is a card of right actions, work, stabilization of what has been achieved, putting things in order. The Three of Pentacles speaks of the opportunity to roll up your sleeves, work hard.

3 of Diamonds heralds a time for situations where your actions are evaluated from the outside.

The main meaning of the Three of Pentacles is the implementation of projects, moving forward, developing professional skills, and gaining solid knowledge.

Demonstration of all accumulated knowledge and skills, combat readiness. A kind of self-examination – a leg is raised to take a new step forward, towards the future successes.

The appearance of the Three of Pentacles indicates the importance of joining forces, exchanging opinions. That is, to solve the problem, at least one or two more people are needed, the help of some experts, consultants, advisers is needed.

The Three of Pentacles can even influence the Major Arcana in the scenario: it enhances (or “reinforces”) the favorable value, and weakens the unfavorable one. The 3 of Pentacles is a sign that you’ll soon receive something that you passionately desired to acquire.

3 of Pentacles

Personal Mood

The status of an apprentice in the presence of a master. Calmness and balance, focus on work.

Diligence, striving for sound knowledge.

You are ready to strengthen your position, no matter what the question concerns. Willingness to demonstrate your skills and abilities to reach new heights. Practicality in solving everyday problems.

3 of Pentacles

On a Deeper Level

3 of Pentacles is a card of high spiritual activity. The Three of Pentacles symbolizes the materialization of energy and building the structure. Kabbalistically, the 3 of Pentacles is saturated with Masonic symbols and is associated with the archetype of the Great Architect and the theme of sacred architecture.

The 3 of Pentacles depicts a member of the church hierarchy, an architect, an artist, and there is an opinion that it is related to discipleship, initiation and ascension within a semi-secret organization in which there is a consistent transfer of protected knowledge.

The traditional meanings of the Three of Pentacles is associated elitism, aristocracy, nobility, hierarchy and power. The Three of Pentacles speaks of some significant step aimed at acquiring a new spiritual experience. It can also be an initiation into a member of a spiritual organization.

It is believed that the 3 of Pentacles informs the Hero about the need for three important qualities in a journey (or in solving a specific issue):

conscience or virtue (symbolized by the figure of a priest),

skill or professionalism (symbolized by the figure of an architect),

and a sense of humor (figure of a jester), not to take everything is too serious.

Three correlates with knowledge, and we get it in the process of work and study.

Three of Pentacles

The second decade of Capricorn puts emphasis on your individual activity, your improvement and professionalism. This decade is ruled by Mars, which directs to a steady and persistent movement forward in the fulfillment of a personal task. Dangerous for this decade to have an attitude “the end justifies the means”, which encourages us to turn a blind eye to the life around us until we reaches the target.

And, if the first tends to plunge into the process of activity, the second, on the contrary, not always understand that the process itself is only a part of personal accomplishments. Therefore, we should not neglect the gifts of life, but learn to use our fruits and be able to enjoy them.

Three of Pentacles

The ideal of work is:

to do your work with love and perfection, so it is love that gives holiness to work.

An uncreative approach, even to professional activity, deforms us, and narcissism with our talents lead to loss of results. Only when work becomes creativity are true achievements possible.

Matter is an energy vibration so using creative energy at work makes it like a magical ritual. The transformation of matter unites man with God through an act of creativity.

The 3 of Pentacles describes a powerful trinity of body, mind and soul, creating visible structures in three-dimensional space.

Through the Three of Pentacles, energies of various kinds come together for a common purpose. It is believed that the three wheels symbolize the body, mind and spirit, and only their combined and balanced use gives a tangible and valuable result.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice is to work creatively, improve qualifications, develop professional abilities, and make efforts towards your progress. Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Conduct constructive activities, consider each situation as an exam and a field for development. Be disciplined and diligent in getting down to business. The main lesson of the card is that learning and work will grind everything, as well as everything can be defeated by hard work. We must persistently implement our ideas and make a progress. It’s an old straight road.

Warning: too much dependence on someone else’s opinion. Excessive immersion in details, inability to see the forest for the trees.

Three of Pentacles

Professional Situation

Three of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles and Ten of Wands will always provide employment (sometimes above the head).

Proper career guidance, successful career choice. Professional suitability.

The Three of Pentacles goes along the lines of loyalty to one’s profession, devotion to it, a sense of passion and value for one’s work, to the point of complete impossibility to quit it (which occurs in a variety of fields, from theater to aviation).

Successful skilled and well-paid work, rewarded professionalism. Creative activity will bring tangible returns and benefits.

Skill, dexterity, painstaking, accuracy, high quality of work, timely implementation of the projects.

The Three of Pentacles is a gift for lazy people, it comes with a willingness to take on any task, to work steadily, and a sense of obligation comes from within.

Effective collaboration, uniting with others to accomplish tasks. Constructive teamwork. Creative self-expression in work. Prestige, fame, achieving recognition are also under the jurisdiction of this card. 3 of Pentacles always gives the opportunity to express itself and be appreciated.

The Three of Pentacles is perhaps the main significator of checks, exams, all situations where your knowledge and the results of your work are evaluated.

The surrounding cards can suggest what the outcome will be. In any case, according to the Three of Pentacles, you often have to confirm your skills in front of some experts. With a good assessment, you can count on another increase. In general, the 3 of Pentacles promises success, masterly execution of tasks, successful completion of projects and the transition to the next category.

The Three of Pentacles is a card of practical training, vocational education, and the development of new skills. It is also an indicator of negotiations regarding promotion or the opening of a new line of work.

The 3 of Pentacles is considered to be of particular relevance to the professionalism of the seller and commercial success. Successful mediation operations.

The profession of “being a third party” generally goes, providing assistance, guidance, special knowledge – lawyers, evaluators, negotiators, expert consultants, organizational development specialists, scientific leaders (by the way, the Three of Pentacles patronizes scientific research ).

Builders, architects, designers, artists are close to 3 of Pentacles. The card also indicates the artistic and masterful execution of orders, and this can take place in a wide variety of professional areas.

Three of Pentacles

Financial Situation

The 3 of Pentacles is favorable for material interests. The ability and willingness to earn a good living, raising the standard of living through professional success.

The presence of qualifications in demand in the labor market, which in itself is very good. An opportunity to earn money through the correct application of your knowledge and skills. The beginning of a new financial cycle, a fairly profitable business.

material acquisitions. Profit. financial stability. Putting things in order in money matters.

Ownership of property, especially real estate. Construction and decoration of the house. Preparation of documents related to real estate. Contacts with financial and legal institutions.

Personal Relationships

3 of Pentacles is a card of the formation and restoration of relationships, stability, living together and often also working together.

According to the Three of Pentacles, you become an architect who “builds relationships” and a blacksmith who “forges happiness”. The results of your efforts materialize, take shape – that is, your efforts are not in vain.

3 of Pentacles additionally emphasizes the formal conclusion of marriage as a step towards a fulfilling mature relationship.

Problems are solved, obstacles are overcome, communication moves to a new level, partners experience emotional and sexual satisfaction.

3 of Pentacles indicates the presence of developed sexual skills and the potential for their rapid development. The person described by the Three of Pentacles sees relationships as a very important task, a kind of exam – he is constantly preparing for it, constantly passing it. He does something every day and every day he thinks about what he did and how. He really wants to meet the desires of another and make him happy. This is real diligence.

A person learns, whether it be cooking, sexual skills or the native language of another. He is ready to read special literature, consult a psychologist, improve his appearance at the hairdresser and in the gym, and so on. In a word, a person is working on relationship, and very successfully. The explanation is simple – he is interested to pass and wants to demonstrate the best of what he can. He can, looking into his eyes, say “Tell me how – I will do it.” At the same time, according to the Three of Pentacles, a person not only invests and gives all the best, but also immediately receives his reward, “dividends”. Everything he put into the relationship is coming back.

If a person is alone, then he is ready to take a step towards another, choose a partner for himself. Since the Three of Pentacles signifies initiation, it can also be an indication of a readiness to enter into a previously hidden but now quite accessible area of life.

3 of Pentacles


May indicate pregnancy (as an additional factor), a change in weight.

Reversed 3 of Pentacles

In a reversed position, the Three of Pentacles symbolizes the poor quality of work or products, unprofessionalism, that is, Mercury and Venus appear at a low level.

Loveless bullshit. The quality of work may be low due to laziness or lack of enthusiasm. Also stubbornness, cunning, petty dirty tricks, baseness and meanness.

It is believed that Mercury is especially strong in the reversed Three of Pentacles, which in some cases gives overwork and excessive workload without a break. But more often – laziness, unwillingness to work and study, parasitism on others.

Money problems. Pettiness.

Bad choice of profession, blunder. Unsuitability or at least mediocrity in work. A person lacks some qualities to carry it out.

Waste of resources, effort, time. The project is untenable or will not be appreciated anyway.

With Other Cards:

With the Hierophant – additionally emphasizes work in a good team

With the Hanged Man – despite the need to sacrifice something, well-being in general will remain at a high level.

With Temperance- synergy in the team, unity of forces

With the Two of Wands – sadness

With the Three of Wands – intelligent planning, preparation for the future

With the Four of Wands – quick joy

With the Five of Wands – problematic collaboration, difficult teamwork

With the Seven of Wands – disagreements, opposition in the team

With the Three of Cups – additional emphasis on teamwork, cooperation

With the Eight of Swords – loss of interest in one’s work, profession, loss of direction for further development

Next to one of the senior cards of the suit of Swords (King, Queen), the Three of Pentacles means the patronage of a superior person, a man or a woman.

With the Nine of Pentacles – independent skilled work, individual skill

Reversed with the Two of Wands – the first child will not be happy (from an old interpreter).

Reversed with Four of Wands – the first child will be happy (same source).

Reversed with the Ace of Swords – a blow, sadness.

Alister Crowley

3 of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles shows us a pyramid, which we are looking at from above. At the base of this pyramid, at each corner, there is a wheel – this is the shape that the disks take here. On the hubs of the wheels, if you look closely, you can see the alchemical symbols of Mercury, Sulfur and Salt. The background of the card is a cold dark gray, flecked with dark green patterns. This background reminds me of ice water.

Crowley compares the action of this card with the work of engineers and architects – apparently, that is why the pyramid is its key symbol. At a more everyday level, 3 of Pentacles means structuring, the material realization of an idea, slow and continuous progress.

Astrological correspondences: Jupiter/Mars in Capricorn as a symbol of creative success;

or the revolution of Saturn, that is, its return to its point in the natal chart,

as a sign of the beginning of a new period of life.

Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun, possibly Venus.

The second decade of Capricorn from January 1 to 9.

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