Ace represents desire. Diamonds represent values – not necessary wealth, but beneficial qualities at large. Inspired, you can create a big band of creation and make things from nothing. Independent and entrepreneurial, you make great success at leadership roles. You shall avoid going into extremes. You shall never measure your worth by your net worth and you shall not put all your efforts into relations. Your true mastery is believing in yourself and mastery of spiritual values. Be curious. passionate, persistent and think highly of yourself, and success will follow your steps.
Ace of Diamonds displaces 2 of Diamonds. In the Spiritual Spread, the position of the Ace of Diamonds is the Uranus Card in the Jupiter Line.
First Karma Card – 2 of Diamonds
Second Karma Card is Ace of Cups
So Ace of Diamonds finds his or her rightful place threw higher ideals and development of spiritual values and intuition. Emotions play an important role so better to focus on spiritual values, otherwise a person enters the battlefield of making decisions between love and money.
In most cases, ambitions may dominate intuition, and you suffer emotionally. Negative emotions magnet sorrow and obstacles in your love life.
You need to keep active and find spiritual aspiration to be happy and fulfilling.
From an early age, you have a need to develop a strong character to overcome obstacles. You are gifted in arts, dance, languages, and natural science since your childhood. Best, if your parents invest time and money into your education and lay a good foundation for your university life. Often if you face a need to make money right after finishing school can create your obstacles late to get a university degree.
Ace of Diamonds like other Aces is good at directing energy toward one goal or one project at a time.
You need to learn to be pertinent. The concept of good and evil is somewhat complicated – so you may go from one extreme of blind kindness to the other extreme of the height of selfishness and shrewdness.
Jupiter/Neptune card is suitable for you to become a leader in a spiritual realm – perfect voice, smartness and bright ideas inspire your followers to do what you ask them to do. You are eager to help unfortunate and those seeking help. You love animals and able to lead animal rescue or shelter. You like the idea to save your friends and family, business associates, even loved one.
You may follow the path of illusions. Adolph Hitler was Ace of Diamonds, and he believed he was saving the world, yet it caused sufferings of millions of innocents.
Neptune is very strong in the natal charts of all Aces of Diamonds. So these you always have dreams as visions, and to be successful, you have to follow your dreams and figure out how to draw a map to reach your highest goals.
As an Ace of Diamonds, you likely to have two jobs. Most of your success comes from meeting new people who inspire you.
You must travel a lot because it brings you new prospectives and awakens your dreams. Dancing, music, poetry and acting classes bring out your artistic talents.
You are great communicator and career that requires a lot of human interactions is the best for you.
You need to believe that whatever you are doing is for a good cause and that you make the most significant contribution to the projects.
You shall not let money to become a priority in your life and your values; then you will live a happy life. If you become too focused on money, money will slip away from your fingers.
Neptune and Uranus are very prominent planets in your horoscope, and their influence gives you great intuition to sense the future – so you can predict scientific know-how or can be just good psychics.
You somewhat attract long-distance relations. This could be a challenge. Or you can stay too close to your partner, work and travel together. Here comes another challenge. It is hard for you to maintain the healthy distance in your relations and you can get stuck in a rut.
Because of strong Neptune and Pisces influence, you often create a dream image of your partner, idealize and see what you want to see – only good values and talents. You need to remember that your partners are real human beings with their weaknesses. When you finally see your partners from a sharp light of reality, you could become angry or disappointed.
The main challenge of all Aces as well as of Ace of Diamonds, that you often are unable to speak up your needs and wants and expectations, yet you want your partner to understand you and read your mind. You need not forget to communicate what you want and make yourself clear. Do not make assumptions that another person knows and makes you angry on purpose.
It is hard for you to marry because often you could have unrealistic expectations of what ideal relationship should be.
Anyway, you are very optimistic in your outlook on life and it helps a lot.
Jupiter/Neptune influence can cause you to turn a blind eye to the faults of others. You even cannot see your own shortcomings. In most cases, you will not understand your own egoistic tendencies related to personal gain motivations.
You are focused on yourself and me-oriented behaviour. In your heart, you are a loaner, yet you enjoy working with others especially making money together and leading others.
You love to work and create new business projects. Similarly, you create endless to-do-list and wish lists.
3 of Spades in Jupiter gives you many talents in art, acting and you are very crafty with their hands.
5 of cups in Venus brings you to love to travel. You can travel your loved one, or you meet a new love while discovering new cultures and places. A male Ace of Diamonds finds a soul-mate friend at every stop. Aces of Diamonds’ men are saviours so they may have so relations to rescue women from loneliness. Ace of Diamonds men love every woman they meet, which is lovely, – yet if they are in love, they stay with the only woman who stole their hearts for the rest of their lives and remain faithful.
You are a bit overly enthusiastic in your romantic relations and tend to give all your mastery into creating perfect relations. Relations make you restless and it is a lifetime journey to master the proper distance and emotional calmness.
Your Mars card makes you impatient and a bit aggressive, but you can direct this energy into the realm of creativity and it will calm you down.
You may have to go through hardships in your lives – 9 of cups in Saturn teaches you to let go of emotional attachments. Hardship could be both financial and personal, and, as a warrior, you find a way to be happy regardless of your external circumstances. Optimism is always present. Jupiter is strong and helps you to realize all your dreams. You will always have a protective hand.
You shall never mix your career with marriage.
Usually Ace of Diamond women may find the best match among Kings of Clubs (because others will adore them for financial independence and feminine qualities).
If you meditate and flows a spiritual path, you will have a lot of energy and this energy brings you wealth. (Your Moon card is 2 of Diamonds – one of the most financially successful cards in the deck). You will make plenty of money without efforts. You will see where to go and to be there at the right place at the right time.
Ace of Diamonds people are the most powerful psychic manifestors in the world of Cardology. Ace of Diamonds
represents the materialization of
willpower if Ace of Diamonds people can control their thoughts at all times.
Ace of Duamonds people are charming and witty, but their real power is the ability to attract people to new businesses.
Just by showing up people will gravitate towards Ace of Diamonds ♦️.
Ace of Diamonds♦️bring the welcoming energies for new establishments. Ace of Diamonds don’t like to be bored – boredom will send Ace of Diamonds on an adventure.
Ace of Diamonds can be excellent with cameras and can make great photographers or models.
To succeed, Ace of Diamonds should be secretive about their personal affairs as well as about all of the aspects of their life, but that won’t stop people from talking and gossiping about you.
You might have a loss of a parent and quite often your father is missing or deceased. There is usually at least one major heartbreak in your life that shapes you forever.
You are an imaginative and vivid dreamer- and at time to time you may dream about upcoming deaths.
You are very creative, and your creativity can lead you to extraordinarily lucky opportunities. You are the embodiment of the energy of money especially new money, but if you prioritize money over relationships you may find yourself very lonely – and reclusive.
You have a desire to command and rule in any situation. You have quick and sharp minds, and you show your brilliance and genius at early ages. You respect authority and are helpful to your parents and teachers. You seek independence and justice. You create your own opinions and values and others often seek and listen to your advice.
Your mother often is the most influential person in your family.
Ace of Diamonds man is likely to marry a woman of a higher position in society, a woman who is independent, smart and helpful. And they avoid uneducated or not sophisticated women.
Ace of Diamonds woman will rule her relations. She will aspire to achieve the highest position in her career.
Many changes and problems are directly connected to your family and loved one. You have to apply a lot of patience, and then suddenly you can get very impatient and argumentative if you feel too much pressure is upon you. You have an urge to travel a lot because you cannot stay in one place for a long time. If you stay in one place for a long time, you have to do repairs or any kinds of changes. The more you travel, the calmer and happier you become. You need to watch your sleep and care for your heart.
You misdirect your energy if you are not sure about your end goals.
You could have a conflict between what you want and what you have to do to up to your financial standards. You may have anger management issues, and it is hard for you to work without a leadership position. You need to be sure of your own decisions, and you need to stay positive.
Your second Mars card is Ace of Spades. You have the power to direct your energy on one important thing and achieve desired results very fast.
You feel good when you have power and control and could gamble your happiness to achieve what you want. You need to be consistent in your efforts and be patient.
Usually, you have two opportunities at the same time and you tend to delay a decision until a deadline.
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction brings you genius once you overcome the difficulty in making impossible choices.
It also brings you talents in chemistry and biology and other natural sciences. You can become famous doctors and diagnosticians. You need to learn of letting go your personal feelings and listen to their intuition.
This is a pointer to a heavy love and money karma. You need to understand that money is not the primary purpose in life and take it easy of natural disappointments in love.
Emotional problems cause illness. Jealousy and possessiveness bring your heartbreaks. You need to forgive and forget and find joy in universal love.
Do not set requirements for emotional relations too high because it leads to disappointments.
Money could be spent on the illness of family or loved one.
Saturn is a planet of restrictions, and the correct actions are rewarded and lead to ending sufferings on a personal level.
9 of Cups shows that it was some past life habitual mistakes that need to be forgiven and released. You need to see for yourself what causing toxicity in relations and find a new approach to love, marriage, and family matters that will lead to independence and happiness.
Nice is a Pisces card as well as a position of Ace of Diamonds in a Spread. It shows strong 12th house, Strong Neptune, or planets in Pisces.
9 of cups influence, gives you ideas and wants to restrict and control your partners or want to “save” your partners. So you tend to create a co-dependency in your relations. So your unspoken needs and desires, plus your tendency to have a blind eye to your own and your partner’s shortcomings contribute to challenges in personal relations.
Anyway, strong Neptune influence protects you from long and deep suffering. So you feel like you are in a chronic situation that healing slowly. Your pain is just an indication to make changes and continuously find ways to improve your relations.
Uranus influence gives you gifted minds that awaken suddenly. 7 is another card that shows your desire for freedom and a need to live a spiritual life. You aspire to strive for greatness. At times, you have a tendency to melancholy and a need to be alone. The mood change swings after existing hours of work. You need to be a top dog (because of the karma card of 7 of clubs is 8 of Diamonds).
You act exceptionally well in critical situations. Extreme situations awaken your mind to find the right solution to a problem.
You believe in spiritual truth, yet you need some demonstrations to revelations. You can lose a real side of the events, if you listen to gossip and gain too much misleading information which relies on emotions rather than actual facts.
You live to the fullest and experience extreme learning. You tend to learn from experience to get back to the sources – the spiritual values and wisdom.
The desire for travel may not be wholly fulfilled because of some restrictions. You can become an explorer or adventurer. You need to learn the true value of things while traveling. You gain spiritual awakening via traveling.
The challenge for Ance of Diamonds is acquisitiveness. You need to learn to have no attachments to money and relations and power and you will have it all.
Birthdays Ruled by the Ace of Diamonds
Born on March 22, Aries, Ruler: Mars
Avoid doubts and indecisiveness or you get in trouble. If you hustle and bustle, your busy mind creates unnecessary and unwanted changes. You shall avoid a law as a profession. You learn really fast and have plenty of talents and knowledge, yet you sometimes have no clue how to best apply your creativity. You need to meditate to prevent yourself from nervousness, impatience and spiky temper. You have plenty of energy and power, but you need to learn to control and use it wisely.
With a kind mind, you can become a benevolent leader and devote your life to help others. You can have the talent to be a designer or an architect. You could find success in writing and public speaking.
You have an endless stream of good ideas, but at times it is very hard to make up your mind. If you start to worry, you need to calm down and start at the beginning to look at your creative expressions.
Famous Ace of Diamonds♦: King George IV, Adolf Hitler, Otto Heinrich Warburg, Pope John Paul II, George Soros, Steve Jobs, Matt Damon, Bill O’Reilly, Chevy Chase.
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