Celtic Months of the Year – Ash Month February 18 – March 17

Nion is the Ash month. During this month, we make spells that focus on the inner self, spiritual journeys, and prophetic dreams. The most productive tools are made from the branches of the Ash tree.

Ash month starts on February 18 and ends on March 17.

The Ash is a beautiful tree in the same family as olives and lilacs. It is widespread throughout the world and is common in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Celtic Month of Ash celebrates the strength and power of the ash tree. 

The ash is well known for it’s strong wood. In fact, the Old English name aesc means spear because historically spears were made from the wood. 

The Celtic name is Nion (pronounced Knee – un) When the Irish people immigrated to America, they brought ash trees to save them from drowning while crossing the ocean.

The ancient Greeks built boats out of ash. They believed that the ash is the tree of Poseidon.

The meliae nymphs are associated with the ash tree. The Greek goddess Nemesis, carried an ash branch as a symbol of justice. 

To the Norse the Ash tree represents the Tree of Life. 

Thor hung on an ash tree for three days while the twigs formed the runic alphabet


The ash tree is one of the three trees that are part of the Druid trilogy. Sacred Druid tree trinity – Oak, Ash, Hawthorn.

The oak represented the masculine and the hawthorn the feminine. The ash balanced and focused these energies.

A blessing said during rituals is “by oak, ash and thorn”.  


Planets – Sun and Neptune

Elements – fire and water

Stones – turquoise and lepidolite

Birds – snipe

Animals – unicorn

Color – blue

Gemstone – beryl

Deities – Thor, Woden, Mars, Uranus, Gwydion, Odin, Poseidon, Eostra, Minerva

Day – Wednesday

Tarot – hanged man


Have a walk and find ash trees. Hang pretty ribbons on their branches. Thank the tree for all the things it contributes to the world. 


Ash is a wonderful wood to make a witch’s besom or a broom.

We often see Halloween witches depicted flying on ash brooms by the light of the moon. 

Today the besom is an important and potent part used for ritual magic. 


Brooms that are mass-produced don’t have the magical power of one that is homemade. 

Find an ash tree that you can bond with. Ask the tree for blessing and then remove a strait limb about four feet long for your handle.

Thank the tree and leave her a gift.

Honor the wood with sacred symbols. You can paint runes and symbols that are important to you, or you can infuse colors that resonate with you.

Adorn the handle with ribbons, bells, feathers, oils or whatever has meaning to you. 

Infuse your own power with the besom by gently blowing your breath upon the handle. 

These works will increase the power of your broom. 

Now attach plants for bristles. You can use twigs of ash, birch, or willow. Wheat or oat straw. Plants in the artemisia family work well. 

Use hemp to bind them to the handle.


Use your besom for the opening and closing of a ritual to cleanse the space. 

At the start of a new moon sweep the air of your home in a cleansing ritual. 

Sweep away negative energy (don’t let the bristles touch the ground). 

Place your besom under your bed to protect you from nightmares.


Historically the ash is believed to strengthen the liver and spleen. It cleanses the body. 

Greek physician Hippocrates used it in remedies for gout and arthritis. 

If you place the leaves inside your shoes your feet will feel refreshed. 

Ash can absorb illness – place leaves and twigs in medicine pouch and wear them on you.


Ash connect us with other worlds and realms through dreams or journeys. Place a leaf or a few seeds under your pillow to attract prophetic dreams.

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