Celtic Months of the Year – Willow April15 – May12

The Celtic month Willow celebrates the powers of harmony and resilience. 

In Gaelic, the month of Willow is referred to as Saille, (pronounced Sahl-yeh) and it is the fifth month in the Ogham tree calendar. The willow is often associated with the Triple Goddess and Brigid as well as moon goddesses Morrigan and Danu.  

Willows are trees found near water and represent the ability to “go with the flow” with a relaxed earthy attitude. 

But don’t let it fool you! Willow personalities are quick to stand up for the rights of others. 

Celtic druids loved the willow tree and made great use of it. Not only did the tree host their sacred mistletoe, but its bark and branches were also woven into baskets to carry druidic sacrifices.


 In ancient Greece, the willow was closely associated with the Oracle of Delphi. It bestowed the gift of eloquence on the poet Orpheus when he meditated under the willow tree.

Under the willow tree the goddess Persephone visited Orpheus in her sacred grove.


Planets – Moon

Element – Water

Stone – Moonstone

Animals – Snowy Owl, Hawk

Color – Silver

Deities – Cerridwen, Persephone, Hecate, Selene, Diana, Artemis

Sabbat – Beltane

Symbolism – Resonance, Harmony


 In the willow month, lunar magic is strong.

Willow is the Tree of the Moon, and it’s the Moon that controls the tides and determines our months.  

Willow month also is a great time for healing magic. This month is the ideal time to restore your energy, release your problems, and practice self-care.

What also stands out about Willow magic is its connection to the feminine. This is a great time if you’re casting a love spell or enhancing your creativity, fertility, or or calming your emotions. 

Love Spell

To prepare for a love spell cut three long (12 inches) thin branches from a willow. Remember to give the willow thanks and a small gift as ribbons.

Braid the willow branches and shape them into a circle.

Place on your altar with a red candle inside the circle. 

Shadow Magic

Moonlight does cast long shadows. Willows are closely related to shadow magic. Contrary to the name, this isn’t working with literal darkness. Shadow magic helps to confront your own inner darkness and help you to embrace your flaws, confront your fears, and address the roots of your behaviors. It is magical self-therapy.



Willow wood makes excellent wands. Their inherent connection to Lunar energy is incredibly useful when working with dreams and emotions.

 Try sleeping with your willow wand under your pillow for fantastic, vivid dreams. In this way, the wand can serve as a source of inspiration. The full moon is the best time to do this.


The willow is renowned for its healing properties. Not only is its identifying month a period of great magical healing and restoration, but the physical tree is used worldwide in natural medicine.

First of all, willow is a natural headache remedy. The bark contains salicin a compound that is similar to aspirin. Historically some people referred to it as witch’s aspirin.

Willow is also a great way to manage heavy periods. Its connection to feminine energy helps to soothe your menstrual cramps and eliminate other pains you might be suffering.

The willow is often made into a tea. Not only is this soothing and healthy, but it also tastes great. You can do this by boiling a few pieces of bark in water. 

You can use the willow on your skin to clear acne. 

Get to know the willow trees in your area and enjoy their beauty while you enhance your magic powers.