Narcissism isn’t always a problem. Why it’s time to stop demonizing narcissists

We all have narcissistic traits. For some, these traits help to maintain balance in difficult times, for others these traits make them endlessly ashamed of themselves. The questions is how healthy narcissism differs from pathological narcissism and how to accept your imperfection. Once upon a time, all the good people…

Blocking Others ~ the science of the personality

Online rejection is a subset of social exclusion. People reject others from social engagement for many reasons, and most of those have nothing to do with the person being rejected. Humans are social and tribal creatures and enjoy being with people, especially those who validate their worldviews. Some people shut…

EMPEROR – The Architect of the Universe

Key Words: The Boss, The Master, The Power, Authority Astrological correspondence: Aries, Sun in Capricorn, Emperor is personifying a sense of responsibility, order, structure, as well as consistency and perseverance. The occult meaning of the card is INBORNATION The traditional meaning of the Fourth Arcana is stability, reliability, patronage, help…

EMPRESS – the beauty we see in others is the beauty we carry within ourselves

Beyond the boundaries of logic, truth blossoms, and no theory penetrates there. Science can only reach the limits of logic, nature goes much further (C.G. Jung) Key Words: Divine Nature, Mother Nature, Queen of Heaven, Heavenly Love Deities: Venus, Isis – Urania, Aphrodite Sign: Virgo Astrological associations: Venus in…

Magician – Through hardship to the stars

Key Words: Hermes Trismegistus, Great Merlin Alchemist, and a Healer Planets: Uranus, Chiron, Pluto. The sun as a symbol of strength and warmth. The Mercury as a symbol of flexibility and ingenuity. Signs: Taurus, Gemini, 1 lunar day The occult meaning of the card is the Will Power With a…

Balancing the energies of Rahu – every Saturday

The illusions that Rahu creates in our minds disappear in time and space, just like smoke in the air. However, the smoker continues to smoke for the momentary pleasure that flows from it while we continue to chase mirages, and within these illusions lies the joy of our existence. A…

Friday is the day of Venus. What foods increase the influence of Venus?

Eat on Friday the best sweet dishes, fruits, fruit juices, berries, honey, nuts, spicy vegetables, any cereals and flour products.  * Sweet and sour fruits and berries: pomegranate, gooseberry, grapes. * Sweet and sour fruit juices. * Sweet refined substances: refined sugar, candy, caramel, cereal, nuts. * Bread and other flour products (best…

Venus Harmonization – Every Friday

Venus in Vedic astrology is the planet of material wealth, comfort and luxury. Venus is an indicator of sensuality and the ability to love as well unconditionally. Venus gifts us a sense of beauty and creativity. In the highest manifestations, Venus leads us to a vision of the divine in…