The Uranus Card in the Uranus line Displaces 2 of Spades in a Natural Spread.
This card os of a ripe judgment. By nature, Kings of Clubs are spiritually minded, but at times, they could be forceful and aggressive when they think their authority is challenged.
Kings of Clubs can become spiritual healers and physicians. If they do not focus on their spiritual development, they become hard and self-centred, unsympathetic, and incapable of rendering services to others or achieving any further growth for themselves.
These people have not just conscious minds and efficient brains, but also occult abilities. Uranus opens doors to understanding, and when there is a power card in that position, we only have to walk through the door and discover ourselves what lies on the other side of our personality.
Their spiritual place is a Saturn position in the Jupiter Line – speaks of obligations to teach and consult. Their karma card is 2 of Spades gives them the ability to work better in partnerships where they can exchange ideas. Being alone can make them stuck with monotonous routine and static prosperity.
Both men and women of the King of Clubs are fast learners and good thinkers. Women tend to get into emotional problems because of their family and lose themselves in worries. Women are thriving in case they are happily married. They often help their husbands too by giving them workable ideas and actively participate in mental angles of their husbands or family business. If King of Clubs is married, they develop strong family ties and have a keen sense of obligations. They always make sacrifices for children and give them a good education.
Even the careless and contrary among them have intelligent minds. The problem is that they waste themselves in middle curiosity and quest for knowledge of counts. The kings are the knowers, and you cannot hide your real motives.
All Kings of Clubs I know are loners and a bit introverted. They also act somewhat weird or strange. They are also very good and loyal friends.
King of Clubs♣ Karma Cards:
Challenging Karma Card (-KC) Two of Spades♠
Supporting Karma Card (+KC) Eight of Spades♠
A gift for fluent writing and talking, and the ability to make money through their efforts. In the early years, they have a strong desire for money, and they learn a lot to lay a strong foundation for the future.
Restless and inquiring, they become very impatient if things are moving slowly. Often meet irritable people or situations in childhood.
Love of friends and family brings contentment. Wants to marry young, and they are usually very successful in marriage. If once denied marriage, become restless, and they do not want to try again. They are very hospitable when friends visit their house. Often being a spiritual group and influenced by spiritual beliefs. They always seek spiritual development and attracted to people who are spiritual.
Four of Hearts♥ Card in Venus suggests that the king of Clubs are rather practical in relationships, stubborn and strict. With strong family values, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for their children. They prefer stability and harmony at home. They want loyal and reliable partners to be happy.
Four of Diamonds♦ in Mars indicates a realistic approach to money and a readiness to work for it.
They usually can make money and provide for themselves. Financial difficulties are temporary and in younger years.
They are not greedy, but they are cautious at spending money. If they are in business, Kings of Clubs continually will be travelling on behalf of it. Interested in selling the property, dealings in stocks and bonds. They make excellent attorneys – especially corporate layers or for trustees of the real estate. They are willing to work hard for adequate compensation. They dislike routine in details.
The partnership is the key to success. These people shall never work alone or make decisions without consultation. There is always a tendency to leave the most of the responsibility to the partner. They should avoid laziness. Whatever is established for good or evil will remain for a long time.
Have power in overcoming disease, and recuperate quickly. Well carried when sick. Make good healers, psychic investigators. They make excellent physicians. They get to learn that misdirected love and uncontrolled emotions cause pain.
If the intuition is cultivated, they will have positive guidance. They have a gift of prophecy and usually have prophetic dreams. They should avoid a tendency to become lazy. Although they have high intellect, they may hard time to understand simple truths and as well the power of their intuition.
They must keep on investigating and learning.
The Six of Spades♠ in Neptune is rather realistic as well, grounding the spiritual truth that you get something for nothing.
There is, under the surface, a deep desire for a life of leisure, comfort and pleasure. Finding the balance between self-indulgence and self-discipline proves an interesting journey for the Kings of Clubs.
Kings of Clubs can find the position in a career – just to fit it with minimum efforts. They can make a decision not to try hard, but work as little to cover their needs. This is their Queen of Hearts talking. They need to set high goals and aspire toward mastery.
The man can be emotionally unavailable for the reason if they do not feel they achieve enough power and respect. They avoid having a family and children if they feel a lack of money. They tend to like women who are not good for marriage yet have an unrealistic and demanding attitude toward relations. Meditation and self-realisation can help.
Challenges for the King of Clubs are carelessness and frivolity.
It is the exception if those individuals do not realize they are forerunners for the new age. They are champions of underdogs. Successful in politics, labour dealings, and business. They are gifted in music and acting.
Healers and teachers – often mystics. Many become priests and nuns by this date. They want peace and spiritual assurance. They usually follow a commercial career because they doubt themselves to succeed in creative fields.
They love the sea and long journeys by water. They can succeed brilliantly in music, especially signing. They are good at directing, acting and producing. They are willing to work behind the scenes. They are natural humanitarians and are very service-oriented. They also can be assistants.
Dynamic and progressive. Leas spiritual concern than many Kings of Clubs. Like big, thriving businesses, very ambitious: can buy or sell anything for significant concerns and covering the big field. Popular: free spenders, and make money quickly.
They get along well with men. They are not lazy and take an active part in any activities around them. Successful in publishing and compiling the information for wide circulation. They can paint and usually gifted in the arts. They love to act in the theatre. They have bright, scientific minds.
You have good organizational talent and manage money well. You love to work and enjoy whatever you do. You have strong likes and dislikes about values, money, philosophies, and life. You love to travel and you need to choose your profession wisely to have the ability to travel. You work too hard and the enjoyment of work comes as a reward.
Both interested in living comfortably. A strong love for home as well as business. Aries must guard against selfishness and domination of willpower. Taurus watch out for possessiveness and greed. Usually well content with home and work. Often promoted or exploited. Work well with the ground. Naturalists. Lovers of art, but usually not performers. They can succeed in music, can paint. They have exceptional wiring abilities.
More gifted in art, music, and drama that other Taurus birthday.
They are ethical, and they are meticulous about the ethics of others. They have a good sense of humor. Comfortable and friendly people to work with. Philanthropic. Make good educators, judges, philosophers, and writers.
More inclined to art than many Gemini. They are good writers, teachers, lawyers, interpreters, and statisticians. They know how to commercialize their knowledge. They are not the most gifted but they usually hard working and make the right connections to get a good education and a good career. They are more curious that spiritual. Restless and changeable, and they are very calculating. Men love to select women from high society, with money, often older than they are, and they are open to having a strong-willed woman who likes to tell her mind.
Women who are born on June 17 are usually pleasure looking and opportunistic.
These are awe-inspiring people. They want to achieve the highest goals. They have great respect for public opinion, and careful to build their reputation. They are willing to work hard for their comfort and appearances.
They are good teachers, counsellors, and priests. Good listeners. They can write on philosophical and educational topics. They can be good journalists and commentators. They may have musical abilities and talent for painting. They are sympathetic, understanding and comforting.
They want to be leaders in the chosen field. They inject drama into their work and personal relations. They somehow either create gossip or surrounded themselves with drama people and chatter and it seems to entertain them.
They can be dramatic critics, writers, actors, director. Sometimes they can be sponsors of philanthropic activities.
They need to learn to maintain a balance between their mental and emotional nature. They are too intellectual and hardly be swept off their feet by emotional crises. This is a karmic birthday number. Life is often more difficult for those people than for many Kings of Clubs.
Women may have problems with their children who can lead this world before them. They can lose fortunate in unwise investments. Their risk is usually not paid off.
They can be very intellectual, yet they need to develop emotional intelligence. Kings if Clubs have some psychic power, but they need to create spiritual awareness to use their knowledge for good and for helping others.
They may easily offend other people even not trying to. Their critical mind sees all weaknesses and imperfections in others, and they are ready to share this knowledge with others.
Men could see if a woman is not earnest and they will just use the situation to prove it to others.
Or a woman of King of Clubs can tell another woman of infidelity of her husband and watch her cry. And she even may not realize how much pain she caused another human being.
Most of August 13th birthday keep an extensive library of excellent books, and they will try to read all unusual and rare books. They love to know whatever comes first.
Men have e tendency to be entertained by other people grid and weaknesses.
They tend to get into calculating marriage. They can give up love for money and comfort if underdeveloped.
Writers, designers, journalists, educators, and statesman predominate this birthday. This birthday number produces many poets and producers. They also very creative prose writers. They will know all people form publishing and entertainment business and have plenty of VIP contacts. Unless in the literary field, they are drawn to science.
They are excellent researchers, statisticians, economists. They make excellent City fathers. They are often directors of publishing houses, police, charity. They are very neurotic and anxious to know the law and teach it.
They can be ruthless and cruel if underdeveloped. Most ofKings of Clubs believe that ends justify the means.
They are good partners until they are interested in the project. They are attentive listeners. They tend to have a family and love dogs. They will always go for second marriage if the first marriage one collapses. They often married to a VIP, leader, and innovator. They love their woman active and stimulating. Usually, they marry money or high potential, and their wives are very good looking.
These individuals somewhat are very talented in early childhood, and then they can develop skills in one field and lack talent in others. Like, they are often gifted writers, but they will be lost in math and physics.
They are outstanding and patient children to listen to their mothers and respect their fathers and other relatives. They are weak and gentle with their willpower. They prefer to look to the mother and bend on serving on their self-interest. They might just not see the bigger picture for all humanity – but only see the needs of their family and their own needs.
They often lack initiative and waiting for things to happen for them.
They have exceptional abilities to learn new languages and good orators. They can be the best diplomats and go-between. They make friends easily. They must determine emotional balance. They may take everything personally, but introverted and keep to themselves.
They may suffer if thwarted in love. They are better writers than artists. They may not have enough emotions to get by as actors.
Physicians or metaphysicians. They love to rule.
In older times, they could become black magicians and do many experimentations in occultism. Can be ruthless and cruel if underdeveloped spiritually. Of all Kings of Clubs are in the most danger to lose it and getting off the right track.
They know their power too well. Indefinable diggers are for secrets, science or occult. Strong position on government and political questions. Iconoclastic. Apt to believe that ends justify means. Must keep of transactions legitimate. They can make excellent diagnosticians and physicians.
Nervous, impatient, high-strung, but loyal and devoted to loved once and the family. They are generous with employers and charitable with underprivileged. They demand personal freedom, and in return never impose their authority. Have a good sense of values. They always make a good bargain to make both sides win. They love changes, travel, and speed.
They make excellent salespeople, writers, talkers. They have a dramatic gift and musical talent. They are likely to be expert dancers.
They like to be connected with public life, and this makes them famous too.
John Lennon, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lewis Carroll, David Laurence, George Harrison, Fidel Castro, Moby, Sharon Osbourne, Joni Mitchell, Frankie Muniz, Walt Disney, Queen Elizabeth II, Alfred Hitchcock, Catherine the Great, Pope Francis.