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April 30 – Walpurgis Night: Traditions, rituals, protection, divination and signs. Sabbat of witches in the mountains and the country of elves

Walpurgis Night is celebrated from April 30 to May 1. Since ancient times, this is a time of gaining strength and fulfillment of desires, the right time for all kinds of cleansing, as well as rituals for beauty and gaining love. It is believed that dreams on this night are…

Palm Sunday – Magic, Rituals and Traditions

The tradition of Palm Sunday has pagan roots. This is due to the fact that this time coincides with the beginning of spring, when nature wakes up, plants bloom and the weather becomes warm. On Palm Sunday, you can eat seafood, vegetable oil and have little dry wine. It is…

Easter Traditions, Magic and Celebration

Easter Sunday will fall on 9TH APRIL 2023 for Catholic and Protestant churches, and on 16TH APRIL 2023 for Orthodox churches. If the full Moon occurs on the same day as the spring equinox, Easter is observed on the subsequent Sunday. Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate family, create…

A set of candles for harmonizing energies

WHITE CANDLES with JASMINE essential oil. Light up white candles during the practices of filling with female energy. White candles and jasmine smell will be useful to those who have shortcomings in the South-East and North-West. You can get wax candles or are make then by hand from…

How to Become a Kitchen Witch

Housekeeping could be a liberation and bring you creativity and inspiration! A kitchen witch, or a hearth witch, is one who works magic in the kitchen and at home, using food and everyday objects as magical tools. Every woman is a witch and all of us who love to cook…

How to create a witch’s altar

What is an altar First, let’s figure out what a witch’s altar is. It is important to understand that not all practicing witches create an altar. Some, especially kitchen witches, keep their potions in the kitchen and perform the ritual there or under the open sky…

Shrovetide (Maslenitsa) Around the World

We know that Yule, and Ostara are celebrated in many countries of the world. What about Shrovetide? Crepes, dumplings, stuffed with meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, farmers cheese, potatoes and berries, cheesecakes, a scarecrow, ribbons – are a primordially Ukrainian tradition. Maslenitsa turns into Fastnacht, Myasopust, Leftovers, Crepe Week, Fat Tuesday…

The Astonishing History and Traditions of the SHROVE (Maslenitsa) – the Crepe Celebration

As cows began to calve, milk appeared in every house. Butter is a symbol of prosperity in the family, and a round hot crepe, the personification of the sun, are attributes of the holiday. Shrove Tuesday comes from earlier traditions first held by the Slavs, who believed that spring came…