The Venus Card in Uranus line displaces Jack of Diamonds. Jack of Clubs is a card of memory. If you are born as a jack of Clubs, you have mental gifts of extraordinary degree. You have such a wealth of knowledge and naturally can teach, write and be a great speaker. You also can be a great dancer with perfection in every move.
Jack of Clubs is a card of the future; a symbol of the androgynous or bisexual state of the race is evolving. For that reason, the present manifestation is often neutral – a situation that causes confusion and discrepancy in present-day society.
Many women born under Jack of Clubs fail to marry. The majority have masculine minds and habits of life. These women are seldom domestic, and they have little patience with pettiness and vanity.
Both men and women seek special attachments which are unwise and discrediting.
The only kind of work that suits the jacks of Clubs is in the mental field. There is a terrible drive to give in what they know.
Worry over money disturbs the equilibrium. Somehow there will be a lot of situations where you can lose a fortune through unfortunate circumstances.
At the beginning of your career, you choose a smart, accessible path to get an education, and unfortunate circumstances can destroy your plans like loss of money, or a sudden war, or sickness in the family, and you give up school and get a job. You have the karma of sudden loss of money or fortune.
Later you can develop an attitude of spending freely and irresponsibly because you just want to leave the moment.
Early years could be tough because of a domineering and strict mother, bad relations with sisters or other oppressive female relatives. The worst comes if your parents give you to grandparents. It creates nervousness and disbelieves in a better life.
You need to surround yourself with the young generation and continuously feel a spirit of growth and development.
From early childhood, you understand the importance of money. You may focus your efforts on marrying a smart and wealthy person or desire never marry at all and establish yourself professionally and surround yourself with intelligent people.
You have a great love of home, usually leave the family home early because you feel restricted living under parents roof.
At first, you have a perfect marriage, yet jealousy or interference of females creates a crush on the foundation of marriage. You try to live calmly and work hard to be perfect partners who give in a lot to relations. Nerves and health suffer form commotion.
You can meet lots of unfortunate events falling from the sky out of the blue: loss of money, illness of family members, unfulfilled promises. Being very determined and even arrogant, you cannot live through infidelity or ignorance of partners. You suffer if you do not feel loved.
Women may have first problems with demanding mothers; then lack of female energy creates tension with a mother-in-law who may eventually disturb a good relationship with the husband. Because Jack of Clubs has a negative mind (Mercury influence), you stop seeing marriage as heaven. Once you end being satisfied with their marriage, you are unable to make adjustments to your relations because your heart goes into conflict with your mind.
You could end up in a situation of an incompatibility insurmountable.
You shall avoid living close to water.
Women can create drinking problems or other unhealthy addictions.
You have lots of fears and those fears could make you furious and angry. Another influence shows that you have a tough time to control your emotions.
Women typically have unusual looks – not just beautiful, but some dramatic and very memorable look. They dance gracefully and always have a young appearance. They may have problems with one eye or have a different vision of both eyes. Some asymmetrical beauty.
You can be very argumentative mostly because of your fear complexes and complexes of incompleteness. It seems you judge themselves highly. At times, you can be entirely focused and balanced and know all the answers to all questions in the universe. At times, when you lose balance and feel all imperfections, you stop believing your hearts, and that is how the evil may be born within.
Jacks of Clubs need to study metaphysics and focus their attention on spiritual development to be balanced and happy. They can become enlightenment and find answers to all their questions via Ace of Spades (Displacement card of 2 of Clubs).
You never shall fear to co-operate.
Benefits come from the willingness to take responsibility. There is always a young male who represents an opportunity. First, probably the opportunity to marry for real love and having a young man for a woman; and a good friend for a male.
The firstborn male child can be of great help also. It is essential to give a good education especially to male born children, so they spread their talents to the universe. Or there would be another mutual advantage.
Women usually have the opportunity to marry a man of high intelligence and status, associated with business, politics, law or large enterprises. It will grow successfully with a woman’s help.
King of Clubs is a knowledge card. Knowledge can be aways a must for their success.
Jack of Diamonds also a karma card for Jack of Clubs. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Even you have connections and family money; they need to make a living with their efforts and apply their minds. Wandering and illness are not on a Saturn plan. You get rewards only if you try hard and use your knowledge and skills. Success comes when you work the best efforts.
The mind must be well balanced. Life must be well regulated. And you need to choose their associates with care. You have a tendency to hire thieves or people who are not honest.
You need to handle legal matters with caution and avoid conflicts. In the majority of cases, you need to avoid legal issues – the problem here is once you lose the balance, you lose the case, and people turn against you.
You must develop intuition, and you can manage their dreams to come true through the power of your mind. Once you are calm, you become balanced and radiate happiness and enthusiasm. You start attracting like magnets helpful people and lasting contacts. You create a friendly atmosphere at work and at home. The harmony within yourself creates a very productive atmosphere which creates a fertile environment as well makes people aspire to work toward soul searching and spiritual goals. You shall be great at creating non-profits with a cause and help artists and talents – the most vulnerable creative elements of society today.
You also have a talent to find hidden truths and discover other people’s talents. Another excellent job could be in secret service and social engineering – because you can profoundly and empathetically relate to others and smart enough to know how to keep secrets and create legends.
You also need to select a profession where they like to succeed.
If you focus on spiritual development, drama and bad habits do not consume you, and your life better. It is also advisable to move out of the place where you were originally born and stay away from living next to the water.
There is a possibility of inheritance and fruits of their past labor.
Foreign travel and foreign business are going to be successful. Business and pleasure are closely connected with visits to foreign countries.
Somehow 4 of Diamonds to me is the card of fruits of labor and if a person is taking for granted help can end up their dreams crashing. Financial matters can be complicated and devastated if these people stuck with their addictions.
Challenge for Jack of Clubs is a Fear of Established Wisdom.
I am not sure why they fear established wisdom. It might be that similar to the 8 of Hearts people they prefer to go against rules and the flow. They can become very stubborn and rebellious against doing the right thing if one time they lose everything upon doing the right thing. Like if they suffered and lost, and then they go against all rules to get things the easy way, and it crashes then even harder.
Best professions are in education, teaching, science, writing. They are inclined to teaching more than to business. They have great intuition and can study occult and metaphysics. They enjoy helping other people and can create a great non-profit that is focused on humanitarian. They also can be good philosophers, historians, and government officials.
Restless and tend to disconnect and escape into a dream world. They need to create a lot of contacts and connect with people of a vast variety of talents. They cannot do routine jobs, and if they do, they can become very nervous. Good promoters and salespeople.
They also have writing talents, can write poetry, short stories and can be excellent journalists.
They also can have a talent for music, art, and dancing. They can be good at business and investments in real estate, mining, oil. They become depressed when there is a disconnect in their own family. They even can lose business and become completely unproductive.
You have a very logical and precise mind and are fast, smart and capable. You can excel at many things that require critical thinking and logic. You can be impatient if people around you are not sharp enough, or fast enough.
You are nervous and touchy in relations. You tend to create problems even everything is going great. You have a subconscious fear of abandonment and become jealous and focus on negative when afraid of losing a partner. Often feel unlucky without any evident reasons. You tend to shift blame to others if things do not work out the way you plan.
Very difficult in private lives. You can be stormy and erratic.
You are calm and happy people when you are using balance and control. You have plenty of outstanding talents and can be genius.
You can be very argumentative and always can prove you are right. You can be influential writers or public speakers. Want and can have a voice in what is on.
Self-concerned and self-indulgent. May have trouble with the opposite sex (especially women). They can marry a man who will provide but restrict them in their personal lives. They can have a problem with health (especially at an older age). Willing to work hard for their goals – especially in art, acting, and music. Interested in politics and always dramatist their part in it. They love to talk and express their ideas in politics and journalism. They want to have a home and dominate it. They have a tendency – rule or ruin. Attracted to theatre and acting.
The Taurus birthday makes the right actors, writers, directors. Good entertainers.
Gemini birthday people are more gifted as writers and journalists, teachers and salespeople. Both need fast-moving occupation. Excellent attorney especially trial attorneys). They never seem to grow old and remain young. Good linguists.
These natives prefer to work late or odd hours. They make friends easily and have lots of admirers amount opposite sex.
Restless and dissatisfied. Always have problems with love and marriage. They seem to be in impossible situations – their partners leave them, they also become unreliable and unavailable and very demanding. They seem not to give in to those who love and care for them and stuck with people who take advantage of them. They seem not to be emotionally intelligent. They often live alone.
They also can be very calculating about relations. If somebody cares and cook for them, they may stay. They may take a job that is well paid and may not like the job. They prefer to have material benefits in the first place.
They should cultivate a sense of service and help others. They have a general interest in politics as well as knowing what is going on in their community. Inclined to laziness and narrow-mindedness. They should avoid travel and not good in investment fields. Somehow they have a hard time to find the spiritual need and like to live with worries and complications.
Men like to date older women who care for them, and they also often bio-sexual.
Strong family ties. Influenced by women of means.
Talented in art and theatre. Usually, get good support in business from friends or family ties. They have an eye for the main chance – so they will be looking for a calculating marriage and value every presented opportunity. They are usually narrow-minded. No interested in spiritual development, and daily like ethics and follow general rules to fit in.
They are very sensual and can be moody and like to send a lot and live in luxury for some periods of time.
The best venue for success in theatre and movies. These people tend to work better alone and use their resources to succeed. They should be given full authority in their chosen field. They can be great orchestra directors if their talent lies in music. They always have heavy family responsibilities. They can commercialize any artistic talent, not just heir own. They want recognition, and they will achieve it. They are proceeded financially, extravagant and generous.
Jacks of Clubs also can choose a career in banking, merchandising, publishing. They are excellent attorneys where oratory is an asset and win impossible cases.
Mental and analytical. They want to be glamorous even it is not that easy. They may be too timid for adventure because they are often not sure of themselves and their abilities. They can be good at having leadership positions in PR and public affairs. They understand the business well and can count. They can be great accountants, ecumenists, and realtors. They often lack vision or imagination. Nervous and sceptical. If they develop talent, they can sell their skills. They hate to be subordinated and bet easily bored at repetitive tasks. They can be very stubborn. It is essential for them to get a good formal education and teach them to dream and be confident and idealistic.
Jacks of Clubs are brilliant and talented. Must guard against triviality. They can see the general level of people and may not be interested in study hard because they will think they already know-it-all. They want to be famous and will do everything to become famous. They always will have a hobby which can be more critical to their happiness than a profession.
Usually, take away a person form an established family.
Anxious to make money from their efforts. Learn through hard experience and try to commercialize everything they know. Illustrators, commercial painters, advertisers. Make compromises at the expend of their ideas. They also can become successful attorneys and brokers.
They should avoid conflicts and become quarrelsome. Emotional and intense. Make excellent actors and writers. Should prevent gambling because they cannot win in the long run. Have secret fears and need to find answers to their worries. Often associated with politics – it could be a job or family ties.
Early life brings problems in home conditions, so they often leave home early and find a job to support themselves. They often become independent very young.
Succeed as writers, researchers, psychologists, dentists, and physicians.
Original in thoughts and plans, but need to carry them out. They often move several times to establish themselves.
They must play everything by the rules to succeed.
Jacks of Clubs people can be nervous, wondering and have a hard time to concentrate. They can quickly become unproductive and harmful and set in their own opinions. They are law in themselves whatever they believe. They have the desire to escape inharmony, yet they need time to understand the importance of spiritual development and the need to master the concentration and meditation.
They must learn to commercialize their abilities. They are good actors, writers, can play instruments. They also are very good at politics and can be useful architects. Women often found and prefer to be in men’s jobs.
Both sexes could be bio-sexual or at some poi in their lives date bio-sexual partner.