Matronalia Feriae – the Original Pagan Mother’s Day – Celebrating the Goddess Juno -1 of March

Mother’s Day, Matronalia Feriae, celebrates the goddess Juno on March 1st. Women receive gifts and are celebrated.  In ancient Rome, Matronalia (or Matronales Feriae) celebrated Juno Lucina in her capacity as a mother goddess. The name of Matronalia depicts a married woman in charge of domestic affairs.&nbsp…

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Starts Rainbow Season!

Happy coming St. Patrick’s Day, let beer and Irish ale pour in our house like the river, let the green clothes do bother passers-by, and let the shamrock bring good luck. Let this happy festival be celebrated as loud as on its homeland, and the immense joy…

An Ostara Celebration – March 20 – A Day of Perfect Balance 

Ostara is observed on Sunday, March 20th, 2022. Ostara / Alban Eilir / Spring Equinox (Pagan, Wiccan, Druid) – March 20, 2023 Ostara marks the moment in the wheel of the year where the light that was rekindled at Yule balances the darkness… and then overtakes it.  Ostara is celebrated…

Inviting Fairies to Your Garden

You can invite fairies into your garden by creating them a place to live. Grow Specific Flowers There are several ways you can attract fairies to your garden. They are pretty picky creatures, so making them happy is the key to keeping them in your garden once you have invited…

Call Asteria, the Greek Goddess of Shooting Stars, for a prophetic dream

Asteria is the goddess of the shooting stars, astrology, the constellations, prophetic dreams and the magic powers of night. She has dominion over various magical arts, including astrology, divination, dreaming, and necromancy.  Astoria shall be a friend of witches. She is the mother of Hekate (Hecate), the goddess of…

March Full Moon: 18 March – Blessing of the Seeds – The Hawk Moon – Rosemary Moon – Worm Moon

The full moon is a magical time each month when we are usually feeling spiritually inspired, ready to manifest our intentions. Full moon rituals are performed around the world in various cultures – there’s no right or wrong way to do a full moon ritual. By doing what feels right…

Celtic Months of the Year

The Celtic tree calendar (existed before the Roman calendar) has 13 lunar divisions named after trees and is used by the Celts. In this calendar, each month has fixed dates. December 23 is not ruled by any tree for it is the traditional day of the proverbial “Year and a…

Celtic Months of the Year – Willow April15 – May12

The Celtic month Willow celebrates the powers of harmony and resilience.  In Gaelic, the month of Willow is referred to as Saille, (pronounced Sahl-yeh) and it is the fifth month in the Ogham tree calendar. The willow is often associated with the Triple Goddess and Brigid as well…