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Five of Swords – the Lord of Defeat

A feeling of imbalance and negativity prevails. A battlefield after the conflict. There is a need for a new strategy — need to regroup and rethink the game plan, discover blind spots and weak links, and take corrective measures before getting back into the field for another round.  If we…

The Seven of Swords – the Lord of Transitory Efforts

You have trained yourself to instinctively notice the opportunity. You need to work smarter, not harder. Think long and deep, study all the angles and put yourself in the shoes of your competition. As a result, you will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will…

Two of Swords – the Lord of Reborn World

Have patience. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn’t come in yet. Wait until the timing is right and all the facts are clear…

Nine of Swords – Spirit Of Despair

Allow yourself to look forward to the future with optimism. The Nine of Swords is a card of fear and nightmares. However, troubles alluded to in the Nine of Swords are primarily of a psychological nature and do not necessarily indicate suffering in your external reality – just an illusion…

December 16, 2016 – Completion

December 16, 2016 IX Cheng. Completion. Heavenly Emperor records in the archives of 10,000 cases. Favored are all activities: traveling, looking for work, gardening. Life is again in full swing. Take the cases the maximum time, and success is assured. Great day for all important matters. Disadvantageously to interfere…

Three of Swords – Lord of Sorrow

The Three of Swords is the Universal archetype of Sorrow and Negative thinking. This is the state of sorrow which is held and re-worked in the mind,  thinking about the past, in particular dwelling on past experiences that produced a sorrowful heart and mourning for the past. The Swords…

December 15, 2016 – Day of the Goat

December 15, 2016 VIII Wei. Dangerous day! The wind blows furiously: great danger. Today brings an energy of uncertainty and is called danger. On December 15, 2016 is better not to take risks and to abandon all extreme. Favored: retire, to meet friends, relax and enjoy life. Today it is…

December 14, 2016 – Day of a Rat – Breaking

December 14, 2016 VII On. Breaking. Dangerous day! Big Bear portends disputes and conflicts. Advice: stay on the nature, fishing. Good day for punishment of criminals. Wonderful day for sports, meditation, yoga, relaxing. Beware of injuries and empty scandals. Adversely: all core activities. Avoid conflict, it is not plan important…